April Shower's Comments

I would love to have her! She's absolutely adorable. I would use her in one of my stories^^ 


She would be a princess who could see the future. Because of this, she wouldn't be allowed to leave the castle often, for her own safety, and would have several bodyguards around to protect her. But one day, she meets someone who will change her life...but is it for better, or worse?


April had been walking through the kingdom's garden, enjoying the different scents of the flowers, when she heard a sound. 


The blind princess tilted her head to the side, confused, but slowly made her way to where she had heard the sound. "..Hello?" 

"Hello!" The voice sounded again. "You're not one of those mean knights, are you?" 

April laughed softly. She was far from mean. The princess was quite kind. 

"No, the knights are here to protect me, but who are you?" 

"Ah! I'm Faelan, prince of fairies, at your service." 

A kiss was pressed to April's forehead. 

"Unfortunately, I cannot stay, maybe I'll see you another time, little princess." 

And with that, the presence of the man who had spoken had vanished entirely. 

To this day, April doesn't know who this man was. Occasionally, she would hear his voice when she was alone, or feel his presence when she took her walks. It was a shame she couldn't see him.


I hope you like it!

Ooh!! this is super cool, i would be glad to send her over! i'd love to see what you do with her <3

AAAAA thank you so much! 

you're so welcome!! have a great day :)