Finnegan Flitz 🏔️ HxH



4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Finnegan Flitz (or just Finn)

Age: Early 30s (30-33 ish)

Birthday: Unknown

Height: 186 cm (approx. 6 ft 1 inch)

Weight: 77 kg (approx. 170 lbs)

Sexuality: Gay


Affiliated with: Hunter Association

Occupation: Single star crime hunter (also part-time treasure hunter)

Nen type: Transmuter

Nen abilities: Shadow puppet Turns his aura into a dark shadowy substance. Prefers to create beasts out of the shadows that he can control at will. Depends on size but can control up to 10 at a time. He can manipulate his puppets and make them appear to be alive but they are not actually beings separate from himself, like a nen beast. 

Shadow properties: The texture is similar to a hard plastic or resin. They are firm to the touch but still constantly in motion. Move and flow swiftly and fluidly, almost like a snake. Translucent like black stained glass. His shadows are naturally amorphous but can take on any shape or form desired. 

The shadows are very versatile and have a wide range of uses. Can be used for attack and defense, as well as retrieving things, like a dropped knife, or for holding and constricting people. They can even be used as puppets or ‘imitation nen beasts’. Stepping stones, bindings, stairs, weapons. If he can think it, he can do it. He can also create and control large shadowy claws that cover both his arms up to the shoulder (and are a personal favorite of his). 

Because he is a transmuter his nen constructs must always remain attached to his body somehow, usually by a thin strand of aura extending from his hands or feet (depending on the desired use)

Most of these techniques also employ the use of the enhancement and emitter categories, which he has trained extensively to be able to use as freely as he does.

Other abilities: Advanced strength, advanced speed, advanced senses, advanced reflexes, advanced agility, advanced stamina, near superhuman eyesight and accuracy, strong working knowledge and user of Shingen-Ryu Kung-fu

Weapon: Throwing knives

Likes: Sweets (especially lollipops and Pocky), 

Dislikes: Being alone, 

Personality: A very kind but mysterious man. He smiles a lot and loves to make others happy but a look into his eyes shows the great deal of sadness behind them. He tends to not talk about himself and will try to redirect the conversation if the topic is brought to him. He tries to keep himself well guarded as he fears losing his friends one day so the less, the better. 

Pros: Friendly, loyal to a fault, protective, will not ever back down, 

Cons: Tends to withhold the truth (not really lying but not telling the whole truth), secretive, says what you want to hear and not what he actually thinks

Hobbies and fun facts: Knows how to bake but can't cook, likes to draw but isn't very good at it, always smells weirdly good like old books, earthy clay, and a simple yet clean cologne

Friends with: 💖Wing💖, Zushi, Bisky, Leorio, Kurapika, Gon, Killua


Lived as a member of a nomadic tribe in his early life. He never knew his parents as they both died while he was still very young. Because of this, he was raised by his older brother and collectively by everyone in their tribe. Around the age of seven his whole tribe and everyone in it was massacred. He managed to escape because his brother helped him to escape but Fin was the only survivor. Because his tribe was nomadic they could not be placed on any one spot on a map, no news was ever reported on the massacre and so this tragedy was never made public knowledge to the outside world. 

Finn ended up surviving on his own out in the streets, doing odd jobs to get by. Took the hunter exam when he was 12 and met Wing, who was 15 at the the time. After they both passed they went on to become students of Bisky to train and learned nen alongside one another. As they grew the three of them remained very close. 

Now, as an adult, he dedicates his life to unearthing terrible tragedies like his own and bringing them to light, lest they be lost to time forever. For this reason he is also rather close to Kurapika, who shares similar goals.