


4 years, 2 months ago


Name Shion Namikawa (浪川 汐穏)
Alias Oceania, Shi-chan, Shio
Birthday March 13
Age 15
Gender Female
Height 155cm
Hair Color Light Blue-Aqua ombré
Eye Color Aqua Blue
Blood type B
Quirk Unnamed Quirk
Occupation Student
Affiliation U.A High School
Status Alive
Fighting style Ranged + Support Combat


  • Shion's surname contains the kanji for "wave" (波 nami) and "river" (川 kawa), and her first name contains "tide" (汐 shio) and "calm" (穏 on).
  • She inherited both her father's ice quirk and mother's healing water quirk. However she's more proficient with water.
  • She was born in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Artistic and Musical Talent
Shion is a talented artist who often sketches or uses watercolours. She is also skilled at playing the piano, guitar and has a lovely singing voice.
Culinary Skills
Shion is very experienced with cooking and enjoys spending her free time experimenting with ideas and cooking for others.
First Aid
Additionally to her quirk's healing attribute, Shion was trained in first aid by her mother.

Unnamed Water Quirk Emitter | Varied Ranged

Shion's quirk allows her to create and maniplate liquids as well as its temperature and molecules. Heat is not her specialty due to her father's ice quirk but she's able to lower water temperature and freeze it to an extent. She has yet to grasp control of Hydrophysiology.
Drawbacks to her quirk is dehydration which will decrease her ability to heal and create water. Heavy usage of her healing effects will cause exhaustion.
  • Hydrokinetic and Cryokinetic Constructs
    She can shape water into various shapes such as shields and create ice constructs in conjuction with her ice quirk.
  • Healing
    She can manipulate water molecules (including her tears and blood) to have healing effects however she's only able to heal small wounds at present.
  • Water Walking
    Shion's water quirk allows her to defy surface tension and run or walk on the surface of water.
Super Moves

Healing Rain
Shion is able to create water which rains from the sky to heal anyone within a certain range. However, this skill demands a lot of her energy and is only used if absolutely needed.
Electric Wave
A move she can only use in conjunction with Denki's Electrification Quirk. It essentially increases the range and allows free movement of their combined power by using water to conduct electricity.
  • Sub-move

Electrolyte Flasks
Shion keeps a few bottles or flasks of electrolyte liquids on her in case of emergencies for when she is dehyradated or exhausted. Additionally, electrolytes can enhance her ability to heal.

  • Ocean and seashells
  • Music and games
  • Singing, dancing, skating and swimming
  • Cooking
  • Sweets
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Helping others
  • Laughing at Denki's jokes
  • Punk rock music and aesthetics

  • Being sad or lonely
  • Cockroaches and creepy crawlies in general
  • Hot or dry weather
  • Black liquorice
  • Selfishness
Let me take the pain away.

Optimistic . Adventurous . Altruistic . Caring . Passionate . Playful . Naïve . Stubborn

BIG WIP LMAO. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis placerat tincidunt enim ut fermentum. Praesent eget nulla eu felis eleifend ornare. Integer vel leo ut tellus posuere sollicitudin et id massa. Maecenas eu diam vel est semper tincidunt. Suspendisse ex ipsum, congue eget erat eget, ornare consectetur nisl. Quisque egestas diam quis euismod aliquam. Quisque hendrerit velit libero. Praesent ac pellentesque lorem. Duis egestas eu justo id ornare. Proin sit amet magna id turpis finibus tristique. Proin non convallis enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Morbi dapibus, velit nec facilisis pellentesque, metus odio pretium purus, ac vestibulum velit lacus vel quam. Phasellus et malesuada metus. Vestibulum id tincidunt felis, scelerisque volutpat felis. Nam justo justo, malesuada sit amet odio dapibus, rhoncus aliquam ante. Nullam bibendum sagittis risus, a gravida lacus imperdiet eget. Donec sit amet lobortis justo. Mauris consequat libero sed dolor volutpat, vitae venenatis sem placerat. Pellentesque non risus maximus, sollicitudin purus a, luctus ligula. Sed congue tristique orci vel semper. Etiam faucibus, urna rhoncus congue scelerisque, diam libero vulputate justo, sit amet ultricies nunc odio vel libero. Nullam venenatis augue accumsan rutrum euismod. Donec nisi nisi, volutpat efficitur felis sit amet, ultricies pulvinar ex. Vivamus accumsan porta tempor.

Rin Namikawa Older Brother

Shion's shy big brother. She's quite close to Rin and admires his skills however she often worries about him due to his soft and extremely empathetic nature since being under extreme pressure can cause his quirk to become unstable.

Denki Kaminari Love interest | Classmate

[I'm working on it!] Denki is Shion's childhood friend and crush whom she lovingly nicknamed "Den-kun". She's often seen hanging out with him and Kirishima, making jokes or laughing together.
She developed a crush on Denki when he told her she looked cute when she smiled and laugh. She kept her feelings to herself in fear of jeopardising their friendship in case her feelings were unrequited. Despite her hidden feelings, they continue to remain good friends who occasionally tease each other.

Eijiro Kirishima Friend | Classmate

Usually calls him "Eiji-kun" when they're around each other. The two get along really well and she admires his strength, determination and general concern for others. She's especially fond of his enthuasiastic personality which motivates her to try harder so that she can support her friends and classmates.

Yua Friend | Classmate

Shion's friend and classmate. Though she is quiet, Shion tries her best to bring Yua out of her shell as she feels she has great potential. Shion likes to go shopping with her as well as do their her and nails together.

Gale Friend | Classmate

Yua's best friend. Shion met him through Yua in class. He seems to be somewhat quiet and meek but Shion believes he's a good friend and often shares her cooking with him. She is unaware of his feelings for her.

Katsuki Bakugo Friend (kinda) | Classmate

Despite Bakugo's crude and arrogant manner, Shion is still determined to befriend him believing he's good on the inside and not as bad as others say he is. He calls her Shio or "Salty-chan" sometimes.

Kurai Yamiya Childhood friend | Classmate

Shion's classmate and childhood friend. The two often tease each other and occasionally bicker since he likes to get on her nerves just to get a reaction. She's quick to become annoyed and defensive when he makes fun of Denki especially because her feelings for him are quite obvious. She doesn't realise it but he teases because he likes her.

Mina Ashido Friend | Classmate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Ochako Uraraka Friend | Classmate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.