


4 years, 4 months ago


Before Jake joined the dragonriders he was wandering the world and exploring it since he likes to travel a lot.

One day he got into a fight with another dragon where his left eye got heavily injured. Eventually he went blind on that eye, the scars that cross it will always remind him of that day.

And since his eyesight on his right eye had always been he struggled with everyday life. It’s not easy to hunt or let alone walk around with around 20% eyesight left and being partially blind.

Luckily a young woman, Prisma, found him and offered to help. Of course he was wary and not fond of the idea, he was scared.

But at that point Jake had already realized that he would not be able to live on his own anymore.

So he accepted Prisma‘s help and she thaught him how to walk, run, hunt and even fly again. It was a long procedure and the two got really close.

Eventually Jake regained his abilities and would be fine on his own but he found his best friend in the young woman and did not want to leave.

They decided that joining the dragonrider would be a great idea, this was they could spend much time together and explore Namera.

Luckily they passed the exam and are now the Team&Tactics Manager of the Ilkewīyk outpost!