⛤ Róża Kasprzak



4 years, 3 months ago



Róża Kasprzak

She/Her - 20 - ENFJ-A

"Beauty is nothing if it does not radiate from the inside."


Occupation: Pizza Delivery Driver

Side Jobs: Preformer(Dance Competitions)

Sexuality: Bisexual/Sub

Always seen in Tech/Urban wear Usually wears a black hoodie on colder days.
She has six piercings and a gauge in each ear, A tongue piercing and Canine bite piercings.
She got cosmetic procedure called Tooth Recontouring to get her canines into proper fangs. Literally for the hell of it, and because she chipped a canine on a fall, so why not?
10/10 could probably kick your ass if she really wanted too. Does a lot of training in general, very active with parkour and what not too.

Róża is pronounced ROO-zha
Kasprzak is pronounced casper-zak

Worth: $35 USD


Róża is a pretty big personality. She's energetic, and a spitfire.
She always seems to hold herself with such a mysterious air to strangers, something about her, while she looks so plain is alluring. This is just due to the aura she gives off, like she is more then what you see.
While usually coming off as calm and collected, if pushed too far she will stand up for herself. She refuses to let people push her around, and she refuses to let them push others around.
Róża seems to have some aversion to touch, though she doesn't mind it at all, expecially to young kids and close friends/family.
She has a strong distaste for Authority, at least in the streets so to speak.

  • Dancing
  • Hiking
  • Graffiti
  • Energy Drinks
  • Dogs/Cats
  • Veggies
  • Tea
  • Bugs of any kind
  • Authority
  • A lotta Junk Foods
  • Being Lazy
  • Losing Fights
  • HOBBY: Working out.
  • HOBBY: Breakdancing.
  • HOBBY: Gymnastics/Parkour.
  • HABIT: Nail chewing.
  • HABIT: Tapping pens/pencils against things.
  • HABIT: Rocking on her heels.
  • STRENGTH: Charming personality, she can talk her way out of a lotta trouble.
  • STRENGTH: Physical strength, with all her working out to be able to pull off breakdancing moves as well as some of her parkour stunts she has enough strength to hold her own against sometimes people bigger then her.
  • STRENGTH: Innocents, she as much of a lil shit that she can be, is really good at looking innocent and fake crying.
  • WEAKNESS: She does get flustered very easily by big strong people.
  • WEAKNESS: Her aversion to touch can make it hard to properly greet strangers. This is also why she isn't the face of the band.
  • WEAKNESS: Animals, She has been attacked by a dog, yet still cooed and tried to calm it. To this day she doesn't blame the dog on the attack, instead she blames the person that only did half of the attack dog training.
  • SKILL: Breakdancing/Parkor/Gymnastics - All lead her to build good upper body strength, as well as being flexible as all hell.
  • SKILL: Crying on Demand - Got out of a good chunk of tickets/arrests with this skill.
  • Not much has changed from her old design besides dulling down her skin, hair and eye colors to a more natural look and replacing her bandages with scars from various fights, attacks and fuck ups.
  • Róża means Rose in Polish, her name is a nod to her old Rose red hair, as well as her no longer used Haphephobia.
  • Róża fluently speaks both Polish and English, though due to growing up in the states, her first language is English and she barely has an accent.
Setting - The Underground

The Underground is an underground club located in the winding tunnels of an old subway system. To gain entry into the club you must be up to date on the password. The underground is a safe place to go and hide away from the law. Dealing drugs, fight rings, live bands, and the works. Gangs use the area as a safe place to meet up with rival gangs without having to worry about fighting, prostitutes get safety as they set their own hours, rules and wages. The security making sure no one, drunk, high or sober start anything or hurt anyone under the Underground's protection.
Do not talk about the Underground, do not break the Underground's rules, and you can stay up to date on everything.

Describe your character's teenage years here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.

Describe your character's adulthood here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.