


7 years, 7 months ago


Amethyst, also known as the "Ghost Queen", is the captain of a ghost ship. She is a sorceress who uses her powers to conjure a ghost crew to work for her, allowing her to sail and protect the sea which surrounds "shipwreck cove". She guards the treasure hidden deep within the cove and also the remnants of ships which have perished while trying to navigate through the dense mist surrounding the cove.

Many believe her to be an evil sorceress, a demon, and some even think her and her ship to be a myth as not many have lived to tell the tale and if they have their encounter is fuzzy and unclear, almost like a dream. Most blame it on the mists surrounding the cove which are said to carry hallucinogens.

Every now and then she will travel to shore to visit her soulfox sister Adelie. The two are quite close and Ame holds a special place in her heart for her little sister. She has sworn herself as her eternal guardian and refuses to let harm befall her little sister. Although they are close now, it wasn't always the case. Long before Ame departed to sea, she was a normal fox, studying to be a teacher. Her sister, Adelie, was a well known rock star, facing the daily temptations of a celebrity life, drugs, alcohol, you name it. Ame didn't approve of her sisters actions and attempted to set her straight on several occasions. Unfortunately, Adelie only saw her as "controlling" and accused her of thinking she was better than her. One fateful day, Ame was shocked to learn that her sister had died of a drug overdose. Blinded by grief and unable to come to terms with the news, she abandoned her life and searched for any way that she could possibly get her sister back.

In her travels she found a traveling fortune teller by the name of Kotoro. She always thought fortune tellers were frauds until he gave her some very hopeful news. There was a way to bring her sister back! Kotoro explained that he himself was known as a "soulfox". A fox whose tortured soul was unable to reach the afterlife and therefore moralized a second time on earth, and was given a second chance at completing a life which was taken from him too soon. She was intrigued by this news, but the fact that Adelie hadn't turned into one after death posed a problem. Her soul would have to be retrieved from the afterlife.

Kotoro warned her that a she would encounter an incredibly shifty demon, whom would grant her wish but it would come with a price. A price she might not be willing to pay...

Ame disregarded his warnings and traveled to find the demon who could bring her irreplaceable sibling back to her. She finally found the "demon" known as Astrid. He was a sloxou who, although not necessarily a demon, did in fact have a lot of experience in soul-work, and was also a suspicious character. He agreed to help her. But at a price of course. Not surprised by this suggestion, Ame instinctively agreed. ANYTHING to save her sister. Laughing at her stupidity, he took her paw print, having her pledge her own soul to him in exchange for her sisters, not telling her that giving away her soul gave him full control over her eternally. Her tail morphed into a soul eating appendage and her body became marked and infused with the souls of the tortured dead. Her new job; to watch over his precious treasure, AKA bate for her to collect more souls for him. She was to remain at sea on his prized ghost ship for an entire year before being allowed to see her sister for the first time after her return. After that year she may see her sister but must continue to watch over his ship and cove for eternity.

This hurt her more than being trapped at sea as his eternal slave, fore she could not comfort her sister as she was thrown back to the mortal plain, confused, lost, and hurt. The old captain of the ship showed her how to collect souls and also taught her how to control the power she was given from tortured souls of her ancient ancestors infused into her body which allows her to summon and control spirits. Once she was in full control and able to take over, Astrid promoted the old captain to a newer position elsewhere, never to be seen by her again.

Now she is finally able to see her sister again. They have formed an extremely close relationship since they have met up again. Although Ame would never admit it, she holds a secret resentment toward her sister for betraying her and dying from the one thing she asked her to stay away from. But in the end, she is just glad she has her back. Even if she is now bound to the sea because of her.