Lemuel Sullivan



4 years, 4 months ago


Lemuel Sullivan is a human, cursed with immortality after he died.

Lemuel himself...is kind of jaded. Having been around for thousands of years, he's rather detached from the emotions of others, and would seem rather apathetic. He does care, don't misunderstand, it's just that he's so used to outliving everyone around him, he's just accepted that this will happen, no matter what. He is surprisingly caring, and willing to listen and give advice. Just don't expect him to get super angry or sad....except in one case, that being if someone says they seek immortality and envy him for getting it. He quite frankly hates being immortal, and if anything he envies normal people who have mortality, as they cherish things more than he ever could in his immortality.

Almost 1,000 years ago, Lemuel was a guide for travelers looking to go to certain towns. However, tragedy struck one day when he and a band of travelers were ambushed, leaving Lemuel seemingly dead. He arose from death due to some unexplained magic, and with a new band of immortal travelers set out to reverse their curse once and for all. They did find it: An island with a simple glowing tree. While the rest of his party was able to free their souls by passing under the leaves of the tree, Lemuel could not. At some point his magic corrupted and became a cage for his soul, making it near impossible for him to free himself with that method. Even the lady of the tree knew little of how to reverse this, and eventually she gave up and left him on the island, leaving him confused, angry and saddened. As time passed, he had to learn to let those emotions go as they were doing nothing to help his situation (as he was an immortal being stuck on a random island with no real way to leave due to the lack of trees). Years passed like seconds for Lemuel, and before he knew it, somebody discovered the island and inadvertently found Lemuel and brought him back to mainland. Many were confused on how long that man was on the island, and were flabbergasted to learn he had been on there for nearly 900 years. He has spent the last 100 years trying to readjust to human society, but his hatred for magic and his own immortality still remained. He hopes for the day he can pass on, but given how little is known about the magic corruption, that may not happen via magical means.


  • Immortality: By and large, Lemuel is immortal. He cannot age, and any injuries he takes will heal, regardless of how fatal they'd normally be. He also does not need to eat, sleep or drink, although he does this out of habit.
    • He absolutely hates this ability of his, and wishes to be rid of it
  • Bloodless: Lemuel has no blood in his system, like at all.
  • Scary high pain tolerance: Eh, his emotional baggage is way worse than any pain you could possibly inflict on him, anyways. 
  • High resistance to soul-stealing moves: The magic that kept him alive now cages his soul. Most soul stealing moves will not work against him, the only exception being ones from Reapers.
    • So, why does no reaper try to reap his soul? This is because, according to them, his time has not yet come. And No reaper is supposed to reap a soul before their time.
  • 6'3" in height
  • Hates with a passion anyone who seeks immortality. Who do those fools think they are?! Do they not understand what they are seeking?
  • Has a sword that he's cared for all these years. It's one of his highly prized possessions, as it is about as immortal as he.
  • Contrary to popular belief, he actually has a weak point: It is located at the base of his neck. It's the wound that killed him originally, and should he be struck there, it is possible to free his soul from the cage of magic.
  • A very honorable fighter, unless the other party fights dirty. Then he's not afraid to bust out dirty tactics.
  • If he wants to be rid of his immortality, why hasn't he offed himself? Well, he refuses to do it, as in his eyes it is a very dirty way to die, and he'd much rather someone else end him in an honorable duel to the death.