


4 years, 2 months ago


Don't mind the name its just a place holder until i find something better asdfasf//

"Haha why the serious face? Life's a game we ought to enjoy!"

  • isn't particular about pronouns, but has been using masculine pronouns in recent years
  • let's say he's about mid to late 30's based on appearance
  • panpanpanpanpanromantic/sexual
  • Whimsical fucker
  • likes to travel bar hop a lot
  • Very passionate about his aesthetics
  • Cringes at the sight of fashion disasters
  • Avid fan of sweets (especially loves cold desserts and pastries)
  • Came to a realization that his disposition*  prevents him from being drunk, and is constantly disappointed by this fact. On the other hand, because of this, he will easily take up drinking contests just to watch and poke fun of the other’s behavior when drunk. As a result of THAT however, anyone aware of his lack of ability to get full ass drunk immediately avoids drinking with him (especially since he always manages to wring out secrets from his drinking partners)
  • Always keeps his promises; “cross my heart and hope to die” is very literal for him as the drawback of his god status comes in the form of a curse that if he breaks a promise his heart will literally shatter, immediately killing him
  • Is a fan of white clothing, ESPECIALLY white wedding attire
  • Absolutely hates being bored above all else. Will even try to pick impossible fights just so he can get some excitement, because he’d rather be put into a near death state than being stuck in a never ending loop of apathy and boredom
  • “Games are meant to be played not just to be won.”
  • Enjoys the language of flowers so much that he often gives flower-based nicknames, even to strangers
  • wingman for hire, price: $you-don't-get-a-choice-he's-going-to-meddle-with-your-love-life.00
  • The only thing he takes seriously is the subject of romance. He’d literally barge in and throw questions about your love life like no tomorrow and then starts giving advice without even being asked to
  • Has a daughter whom he loves very much but wishes she was more ambitious with her life; hasn’t seen her in decades
  • Sometimes "smokes" a fake pipe


  • Was once a popular minor god of marriage. He had a shrine where he’d give blessings to couples or those seeking love, but since someone burned it down and cursed him, he’s been wandering. Lost and empty, devoid of a purpose in life, he developed a hatred of this feeling over the years and eventually adopted a “life is a game” attitude as a coping mechanism. Despite everything, he still hopes the best for couples (continues to have a soft spot for them)and would not hesitate to help nudge someone with a crush in the right direction.
  • Had a few disciples during his prime years but had asked them to look after his daughter since the shrine burned down
  • Never directly addresses his godhood nor what kind of god he is and either purposely avoids answering or always gives a different answer when asked. This is more to see how far he can avoid telling the truth than any reluctance of revealing his true identity