|Redesign| Pastel Pop's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

DangerCityDog Global Rules

-Please notify me first of any intentions to sell/trade/giveaway this character as I might want to offer on them to get them back in the possible event of you no longer wanting them. Breaking this rule may result in the character being requested back to me.

-Please do not trade/sell/give/transfer any character gotten from me for at least two weeks and without notifying me first

-All of my designs are set to “cannot Transfer” by default for the protection of my designs. If you need to have the character transferred or the setting changed, notify me first!

- YOU MAY NEVER EDIT ANY ARTWORK OF MINE!. This should go without saying, this includes but are not limited to: alternate color changes, censorship or uncensored alts, adding or removing from the image. If you need something changed, do it on YOUR OWN piece or you may contact me and we can work something out.

-YOU MAY NEVER REMOVE ME AS CREATOR OR DESIGNER IF IT IS MY DESIGN. You may also not remove my favorite on the character. That is one way I keep track of them. this will result in a Blacklist and the rights to the character being revoked.  

-DO NOT EVER CHANGE MY WATERMARK ON ANY DESIGN OR ART THAT I UPLOADED OR CREATED. This goes for all images, I have my watermark settings for a reason. even after you buy it, you still may not change the image watermark settings.

- You may never delete the character from this site! If you are moving accounts, take the character to the new account after telling me first, if you are leaving the site completely, transfer the character to me so I may put it in my storage with my sold designs along with your account name on at least one of your other social media for owner credit.

- You may not give my designs racist, highly vulgar, or homophobic names of ANY kind! You may not use my designs for any kind of racist or homophobic activity, EVER. I don’t care if you get gore,porn,fetish,ect art of my designs but racist and homophobic artwork or involvement of any kind will never be tolerated.

- ANY CHARACTERS TRADE FROM THIS ACCOUNT LOSE ALL MONETARY VALUE, UNLESS BOUGHT WITH USD,  IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THIS, DON'T TRADE WITH ME. If you understand and agree, put “Blueberry” somewhere in your comment/note to show you have read ALL my rules and agree

-These rules are subject to change at any time without any notice, it is up to you to check back and keep yourself up to date on my TOS and my design rules.