Rose Gold



4 years, 4 months ago



"If only riches matter to you, then it looks like I'm your soulmate, you greedy little thing~"
Rose Gold 
Indeterminate Lagomorph 
8'08, can change
Guardian of Love and Prosperity 
The High Lands
The Guardians


Rose Gold was a royal pet raised by the earliest ruler of the wealthy Aureus kingdom, meant to overlook all of the future generations of rulers to see how they'd use their fortunes, and serve as a guardian to the kingdom. This original ruler was a romantic, so this trait had also stuck with Rose Gold. What she sought were rulers who'd be willing to use their wealth on loved ones and potentially even spoil them, albeit this hadn't come for many generations, despite dropping many hints and advice that went over the head of rulers. She was honestly more of a manager than a pet at that point, but the riches of the Aureus kingdom kept her well spoiled and occupied enough to stick around. Her work as a guardian tended to be overlooked, as the kingdom lacks proper defenses, and she was able to neutralize armies without killing anyone. She was blessed with tremendous power that wouldn't be put to good use for a long while.

Eventually, there came King Regis, who was possibly the most active ruler of them all. She had quite the bias towards him due to both himself and his parents being just the type of people she was wanting to see, although at times he was a little too generous. Soon enough, Regis had gotten into war with the Brlliance Kingdom and its ruler, Queen Perfowl II and left to gather allies, leaving Rose Gold to technically be in charge of the kingdom with the others high up in the monarchy. Regis had never returned.

Like many other kingdoms at that time, the Aureus kingdom had been raided and destroyed by swarms of Dark Kirin that suddenly appeared, but Rose Gold had managed to survive and was left in the middle of the ruins. She was saddened, but not left completely shattered, she knew the kingdom would bite it sometime, but she didn't know what to do next. To answer that question, Brilliance had appeared before her and offered her to be one of the first guardians, to avoid an incident like this from happening again. Rose Gold felt up to this task, and decided to become one of the guardians.

Now this strange rabbit aids in protecting the land from threats with her powers of light magic and affection, alongside other guardians. She was nicknamed the guardian of love and prosperity, or the spoiled guardian.


Rose Gold is sweet, motherly, and usually lenient, but at the same smug, impish, and a little spoiled. In the end, she means well and knows when to quit kidding around to get strict and stringent.

She's affectionate and often likes to give people advice to better themselves, as she looks for the good in people. 

Powers, skills, abilities, etc.

Rose Gold is a guardian that utilizes in light and heart magic, but evades hurting others unless absolutely necessary. She toys with opponents emotions through her magic and showing them physical affection, usually able to pacify them.

Personal Size Manipulation- Rose Gold can freely adjust her size to be big or small

Flight- Rose Gold can summon wings ththat enable her to fly. She can also flap her floppy ears to gain additional lift.

Affectionate Nuzzles- Rose's fur appears to have an effect on others that can make them feel comfortable, or flustured depending on the type of person they are. Rose Gold can even lower the guard of an opponent and subdue and subdue them purely through doing this, no magic involved.

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