Meka Tanaka



7 years, 8 months ago


Meka Tanaka the cyborg idol.

A girl who is supposedly a robot. She was created to be a perfect girl. The producer apparently looks very similar to her creator.

She's afraid of water/rain because she'll shortcircuit in them. Has amazing math/language and memorization skills but is very naive and seemingly possesses no common sense. The other idols like to tease her because she'll believe anything.

Age - 13 weeks


When scouted - "Hmm so if I become an idol I can learn more about what's it's like to be a human? In that case, I'll be in your care!"

Failed live - "It can't could I have miscalculated..."

"I've gotta....recharge...."

Live success - "100% perfect~! Time to power down." "I will keep this performance in my memory files forever."

Idle main screen - "Byu---n byu---n~ Recharging~"

"It's such a nice day out today isn't it Producer san? I hope it doesn't rain!"

"01100011 01100001 01101100 01100011 01110101 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111" (calculating in binary)

"File not found. Error code 2401. Would you like to send an error report?"

When leveling up - "Wow! I'm learning so much!" "I wonder where my creator is."

In the room - "Where's an outlet? I've gotta recharge." "I hope you'll continue to stay by my side Producer-san."

Relationships - Gets along well with Akiba. Doesn't get along well with Kai (doesn't like the smell of water on her)