πŸ’– Kirafa 🌊





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The adopted younger brother. He's a handful to deal with, but Kirafa wouldn't have it any other way.
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The adopted younger sister plus most trusted partner. There's no one else Kirafa would rather have at her side during a fight.
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The bum boyfriend. She loves him, but at what cost?
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The adoptive mother. Kirafa is eternally grateful this kind Yokai found her and took her in.
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The adopted baby brother. She'd kill for him. He's too pure and innocent.
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The biological father. It's from him that Kirafa inherited the Wraith kingdom.
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The biological mother. Thanks to her, Kirafa has the ability to use water to heal, though she's never met any of the Sirens from Kyrea's tribe.
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Biological uncle, enemy, and friend all rolled into one being. They had a rocky start, but in the end, the Demon King proves himself to be an invaluable ally.
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The divine best friend. Kirafa wouldΒ be the one to call a literal Goddess her best friend.
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The awkward ex-boyfriend. They're still close friends though, even though their relationship didn't work out.


NAMEKirafa Angela Klariiel
Story; Main Character
Demon Hunter; Queen of the Shadows
October 10; Libra
Master of Tides


Born to Kiraga, the King of the Shadows, and Kyrea, a gentle Siren from the last remaining healing tribe, Kirafa initially had a happy childhood. Despite such a wonderful upbringing, the young Ocean's Shadow ended up developing depression, which she ultimately ended up discussing with her parents. Concerned for their child, an agreement was made to put her in regular therapy. This, however, proved to be the cornerstone of a very, very bad time for young Kirafa...

The "therapist" Kirafa had been seeing for nearly two years turned out to be a nameless, half-Demon hypnotist with a devastating grudge against the Shadow King. Over the course of the two years of weekly therapy sessions, he slowly worked his magic to eventually be able to completely hypnotize his client. He started with simple hypnotizing; harmless tasks, really. Until one fateful night...

I can't tell you much, except that night ended in tragedy and left behind a horrified and heartbroken Kirafa. To learn the rest of her story, stay tuned for the announcement ofΒ The Ocean's Shadow.


Β  Β  Β Β  Β 

Master of Tides β€” Lindsey Stirling
Stars Align β€” Lindsey Stirling
Elements β€” Lindsey Stirling
Crystalize β€” Lindsey Stirling
Night Vision β€” Lindsey Stirling
V-Pop β€” Lindsey Stirling
Take Flight β€” Lindsey Stirling
Mirror Haus β€” Lindsey Stirling

HTML by Jayden