


7 years, 7 months ago


Basic info:
Name: Ghosti
Pronounced: Ghost-ee
Nicknames: Spook, Ghost, Ti (Tie or Tea)
Usually calls others: Dude, Kid, Dork, or if rly close then babe (if other is okay with it lol)
Humanistic age: 18
Height: 2'5 (sorta tol for a doggo) also messed up on ref im sorry rip
Breed: Ghost Dunker Dog mix
Residence: Imago layer

• Has almost triangular fallen ears, they can raise just a bit if startled, but for the most part have like no movement besides swaying around when he moves.

• Usually has lil ghost spirits around him like the ones around his name!
(do not needa draw em tho it's cool <3 )
only they are glowing blue like his tongue color. The facial expressions on the ghosts will usually be responsive to his, like if he's upset, the ghosts will smile to try and comfort him. Those are their reasons for existence. The lil ghosts keep him going. The little ghosts just nudge him and swirl around him but the bigger ones are mainly around his neck slowly swirling and whispering kind things if he wants to hear them. For the most part though, they are silent. If he ever wanted too, he technically could eat them xD but he kinda refrains from doing that. After all, they don't provide nutritional value. But when they are eaten they kinda just swirl out of his skin, they are ghosts after all xD If he eats them he feels a chill wherever they go inside him. Best explanation would be how it feels to hold a super cold ice cube in your mouth, how it feels like a cold cloud goes down your throat? Kinda like that. ONly super cold and it makes him blow smoke and everything, but the ghost just kinda falls out of his chest anyways.

• Ghost is pretty fuckin lazy man. He sleeps most the day, but when he is up, he usually has no one to talk to anyways. So, why be awake?

•Since he sleeps a lot, he's kinda easily depressed ;w; but he'll get outta his dark place eventually

• actually like in love with sans the skeleton omg (they have so much in common lmao)

• Can be drawn in an anthro form, but i haven't made that yet! so hold up fam xD

more tba if you have any questions or somethin about this child pls ask <3