


4 years, 4 months ago



About the same height as the average goblin, the only constants that flag this strange creature as a vulpera are the large tufted ears and bushy black tail that are almost always visible at a distance.  

Their slate-gray fur is marked with black stripes and a blaze of silver with an array of scars in-between, and their weathered hyena-esque visage is also unique enough for other races to identify against others of their kind. Amongst these traits are their crimson eyes, a slightly thicker muzzle and rounded nose, followed by a toothy scowl as their default expression in the wild. Gender is unclear with this one as their form is quite androgynous, slender build lacking defined curves or muscle. A streak of ebon fur emerges at their scalp and runs down their back, spiking up a bit like a mane until it becomes their tail. Several metallic hoops and carved bone crescents decorate their ears, while symmetrical obsidian ‘snake bite’ rings adorn their lower lip.

While they have been spotted in different clothing from time to time, the vulpera's signature hooded outfit looks as if it was composed of serpent skin -- or perhaps even their Faithless oppressors. Wrapping around the olive scales are sharp spikes, chains, and runes anointed by an eerie emerald glow, while a coiled hood fastens to an ophidian skull large enough to be worn as a helm. Their current weapon of choice appears to be a short grey bladed rifle, highlighted with dull gold and green crystals, its skeletal crown cinching the Forsaken design. A mysterious pouch or two unobtrusively joins the ensemble when relevant, the occasional crystalline clink and herbal aroma revealing alchemical uses.


A former slave who was subject to years of mental and physical abuse, Temezi is often hesitant to open up or show vulnerability. He is suspicious of everyone and everything until he has good reason to believe otherwise. He does feel the occasional itch to lose control, which has manifested in the form of chemical dependency. He'll consume just about anything for a buzz.

The darker side of his personality has grown from a deep-seated desire to turn the tables and dominate others. He enjoys hunting, capturing, subjugating, training, breeding, and experimenting on a variety of creatures - including humanoids - continuously hoarding stables of deadly beasts to do his bidding. Despite these vices, he is not without compassion.


Temezi, like most vulpera, was born in Vol’dun. He was taught to care for his family’s alpacas and hyenas, often wandering off to collect insects and plants as a hobby. After his caravan was raided and destroyed during one such outing, he was captured by the Faithless and spent several years of his adult life as a slave. Unwilling to work on command, he was frequently abused by his captors and pitted against deadly creatures for their amusement. This would have the unintended side effect of building a high tolerance for pain and poison, eventually allowing him the means to escape after overpowering a guard while he was being held overnight for an auction on the northern coast. After creating a series of clever distractions to lure away the remaining sethrak, he removed the bonds of several nearby captives, then teamed up with a vulperan gladiator to commandeer an unattended canoe while the others would sow chaos throughout the camp.

(To be continued...)

