Mercutio Zeppeli



4 years, 4 months ago


Full name                     Mercutio Zeppeli 

Date of Birth                August 14th, 1970 

Age                                  18 (Part 3), 28 (Part 4) 

Gender                           Male (trans) 

Zodiac                            Leo

Chinese Zodiac          Dog 

Height                            6'2" (188cm) 

Weight                           150lbs (68kg) 

Race/Ethnicity            White 

Nationality                    Italian 

Sexuality                       Bisexual 

Occupation                  Speedwagon Foundation Scientist 

Likes                                Poetry, occult, cooking, ravioli, ferrets, mythology, puzzles, studying other cultures 

Dislikes                           Public transport, milk, zombie movies, pendulum clocks, porcelain, formal events

Fears                               Teddy bears, lizards 

Personality                    Mercutio was a generally calm, collected, and gentle person. He was very empathetic and compassionate towards others. Don't mistake his kindness for naivety, though he was pleasant toward most everyone he met, he was never one to let his guard down around strangers and was very observant of behaviors and environments. He did not begin to relax and be more personally open with people until he was sure he was very well acquainted with them. Mercutio was affectionate with those he considered friends and loved ones, he loved to give out praise and assign cute nicknames to those he was close with. He was almost painfully optimistic at times, even when things seem to be at their worst, he always tried to look on the bright side. Mercutio had often stated before that he did this because he saw so much discomfort and fear in the world already, so he tried to make himself one that others could feel comfortable and hopeful around. 

Status                              Deceased 

Date of Death               February 5th, 2002 (age 31) 

Cause of Death            Unknown disease (believed to be the result of a stand ability)

History                             Mercutio was born as an only child to Georgio Zeppeli, Caesar's younger brother, who was 50 at the time. Mercutio grew up very privileged and cared for, Georgio being an important figure at the Speedwagon Foundation, they were very rich and Mercutio never wanted for much. Though Mercutio did not often see his father as work was time-consuming and, as Mercutio was homeschooled, he did not have many friends and so he spent most of his childhood with his mother. When Mercutio was 13, his mother fell terribly ill, Georgio immediately reacted to the situation, but despite their best efforts and medical treatment from SPW doctors, she died within the year. Not wanting to even entertain the idea of leaving his only child in the care of strangers, Georgio made an effort to be by Mercutio's side more often and even brought Mercutio to work with him at times. However; Mercutio, over the course of the next few years, would rebel against his father and push back against these attempts to bond and rebuild their relationship. Mercutio would often slip away when his father was distracted with work and leave to run amok throughout the streets of Italy. It was only after Andrea's birth that Mercutio seemed to realize that his behavior had been horrible and felt deeply remorseful for it, he settled down and attempted to mend fences with those he had caused so much trouble for. It was also around this time that Rush had been accidentally awoken by the foundation, Rush's soft, caring personality was very grounding for Mercutio in this time and helped him keep himself together. From there on, Mercutio spent most of his time at his father's place of work, intrigued by the things they studied and worked on. 

Stardust Crusaders 


Diamond is Unbreakable

Mercutio and Rush arrive in Morioh shortly after Jotaro, sent by the Speedwagon Foundation to aid him in finding Kira (or more accurately, Mercutio was told of the situation and volunteered himself to go). When Mercutio met with Jotaro, however, he noticed that Mercutio seemed to be showing signs of severe illness. Due to this factor, despite what he may have wanted, Mercutio was more often than not left to look after Joseph and Shizuka rather than being directly involved in the search for Kira. During his time in Morioh, Mercutio came to be very close with the Inoue family as well and considered them good friends. Shortly before Jotaro and Joseph's departure from Morioh, Jotaro used this closeness to the Inoues as an excuse to convince Mercutio and Rush to stay in Morioh, with instructions to Josuke that he should look after Mercutio and take him to Tonio to have his ailments cured. 

Final years 

Mercutio, buying into Jotaro's idea that staying there would be good for him, spent the remaining few years of his life in Morioh with Rush. In 2000, he and Rush had a son together, who Mercutio named Enzo Zeppeli. Mercutio's illness was unable to be identified or cured by SPW doctors or even by Tonio's stand, thus leading Jotaro to believe it must be the result of a stand Mercutio had encountered before their meeting in Morioh, rather than a normal illness. Mercutio's condition only worsened over time and in early 2002, he succumbed to his illness and died in the hospital in Morioh. The Speedwagon Foundation handled the funding for his funeral and burial- his funeral was very small, as per his own want, and was only attended by those who he was incredibly close with. Despite it being so short, he loved his time in Morioh and considered it his home, so that is where he was laid to rest. 


  • He was very athletic and agile with fast reflexes and amazing hand-eye coordination 
  • While he did not particularly fear them, he always felt a strange sense of dread from pendulum clocks 
  • He chose the name Mercutio for himself as he loved Shakespeare, and Mercutio had always been his favorite name and favorite character 
  • Mercutio came out to his father when he was 17 and got top surgery from trained SPW doctors shortly afterward 
  • Ravioli was his favorite dish and he had become particularly skilled at making it, he even had his own personalized recipe. The only person he had ever shared the recipe with was Itsuo and he intended for the recipe to be given to Enzo as well, once Enzo is old enough to learn to cook 
  • His native tongue was Italian and he spoke English and Japanese fluently, though he had a quite noticeable accent when he spoke