Loch Blackwell



4 years, 4 months ago


Loch Blackwell

Byline / edited date

Current Day Loch

Name Loch Blackwell

Age 19


Pronouns He/Him

Taken No

Theme info

Loch Blackwell, is a siren, aged at 19 years old. He currently resides on a small beach, where he spends his days swimming, and calling out to people with his song. He knows what will happen to humans who hear him, but refuses to quiet down anyways.

Early Life

Loch Blackwell, was born and raised in a life of adventure. He never connected much with the other sirens and loved only the sea herself. Many days were spent with a crew traveling through the sea, but sometimes he would just explore the depths himself. He has never been known to stick around for friends or lovers, prefering to be able to go where he pleases and do as he wishes.

Current Life


Although the boy did not have many, he kept a specialized phone to contact a few people he knew. This wound him up in many inconvient situations and troublesome events. One of which involved him coming out to a lonely isle called the glowing havens, and defeating a tyrnat named Typhon.


His showdown with Typhon was met with immense struggle from all sides. He started changing though by the power of the land he was on, and brought a storm down on his opponent, finishing him once and for all.

A few particular effects now show on him, as a result. He is completely weightless, able to float at will and his breath always appears as if he was in a frosty place. His hair is actually much poofier and frizzier, maintaining a light grey color as if it was a storm cloud. If enraged, his voice will be accompanied by the howling of the wind. To combat the look, he constantly dyes, gels, and straightens his hair, hiding his dragonfly shaped wings under his shirt.


carefree, independent detached, apathetic







Personality assessed by the Holmes' rubric

Loch was abandoned by his only guardian at 6 years old, causing resentment and hatred for any type of authority. He usually reacts violently to the presence of them, seeing them as worthless nuisances. His independent attitude also stemmed from this abandonment as he had to learn to live alone. If you can't rely on the person who's supposed to care for you, why rely on anyone?

This event also forced him to grow up very quickly, as he displays a calm and serene maturity constantly. Although very charismatic, he is closed off and reserved for his deeper emotions. He never had time for smaller or silly things, so his creativity wasn't very developed, and since he was not around others, his empathy was stunted. 

Another thing that could not recover from the abandonment was his  confidence. He truly questions why his guardian would just leave him to  fend for himself sometimes. He considers himself unlovable for this  fact. He did become very intelligent, excelling in book smarts and street smarts so he could survive. If caught alone, he'd be playing his ocarina or possibly reminiscing. 


Loch at 5 years old. (Image taken by guardian.)


  • The Sea and Aquatic Life
  • Miniature Things
  • DIYs
  • His Ocarina
  • Card Games


  • Authority 
  • Losing His Jewelry or Small Items
  • Being Unprepared
  • People Stalling


  • Loch has many piercings, about 13 in total. His fins each have 4, his nipples each have 1, his right eyebrow has one, his under lip has one, and he also has a bellybutton peircing.
  • Loch has a box full of seashells and sand dollars he has found among his adventures.
  • He'll sometimes make jewelry, including a set of pearl jewelry he  sometimes wears instead of his standard gold. It does have all 13  piercings covered.
  • Loch peirced himself, which is very risky, and you should not follow in his footsteps.