


4 years, 4 months ago


Rurik Stefan Vikentey
"Look, I-- I really don't remember our house leader's name right now... You won't tell anyone, right?"

House: Blue Lions
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 16 (Academy), 22 (War)
Height: 5’9 (Academy), 5’11 (War)
Crest: Indech
Personality: Easygoing; Friendly, sometimes even overly friendly; Very forgetful and terrible with remembering names; Optimistic; Despite being very well off, worries about money; Afraid of the dark; Enjoys talking about his future

Starting Class: Noble
Strengths: Sword, Bow
Budding Talent: Authority
Weaknesses: Reason, Flying

About: Rurik was adopted by a noble merchant family when he was but a toddler. He knows nothing about who he really is, and chances are that he will never find out. However, that has never bothered him in the slightest. He wants nothing more than to live a long, good, happy life. However, he too had unfortunately gone through similar experiences as Lysithea and Edelgard have, hence his white hair and his expected shortened lifespan. He originally was not born with a crest. His forgetfulness was also a result of the experiments he had gone through. He hardly remembers his experiences during that time, but he is fully aware of what may become of him. However, that doesn't stop him; he still dreams big about inheriting his family's business and living a long life. He greatly enjoys praise for his deeds, gets after those who are not frugal with their spending, and is constantly trying to impress his colleagues to add to his collection of friends.

SUPPORTS (Highest Available):

  • Byleth (M/F) - S
  • Dimitri - A+
  • Dedue - A
  • Felix - B
  • Ashe - A+
  • Sylvain - B
  • Mercedes - A+
  • Annette - A+
  • Lorenz - A
  • Lysithea - A+
  • Hilda - B
  • Edelgard - A+
  • Caspar - B
  • Cyril - B
  • Hanneman - A+
  • Malcom - B
  • Lino - B