Verek Als'taire The Hunter



4 years, 3 months ago


Purchased for $30 USD

Name: Verek Als'taire

    Age: 42 years (old man)
   Gender: Male (He/They)
   Species: 50% horse, 50% pegasus

Faction: Lordveill
    Rank: Outlier -
   Affinity: Lightning


Personality:  [Loyal] [Capable] [Confident] [Rude] [Calous] [Disinterested] [Paranoid] [Guilty] [Remorseful] [Selfish] [Bystander]
Capable  and confident in his own skill, thanks to a rough life,  but hiding  behind a gruff and disinterested exterior. This stallion is everything  but sociable, even if he used to greatly enjoy socializing. He's got  pretenses and ruses to uphold, and a desire to keep his business his.


Its also unwise to  expect  his help, with or without copious complaint, should you find yourself  in the forests of Lorrdveil, and not after he spends plenty of time  letting a hapless soul persist in their own mistakes...You might be dead  by the time the old man decides to throw away his paranoia… and perhaps  by his own blade… or by something that fells travelers in his path...  There are that which linger in the swamps… maybe it was cultists? He’d  never tell. Habit of lying grew quite comfortable in the passing years.  And telling the truth.. well that brings about its own consequences.

Either way, he hides many things, dances around questions, and prefers to give what he gets, albeit his might not  provide so useful of information, its not his responsibility to ask the right questions.  He dishes out the same philosophy with slights. An eye for an eye seems a fair trade…



Son  of one of the notable families of Lorddveil, 'Verek' was an astute  child, rule abiding, quiet, but respectful, and loyal to them in every  way, however, fate and circumstance saw otherwise. His father disowns  him, for the crime of another,  the blood on his feathers, and the  innocent then he fled.

Life was unkind, unforgiving, he acted in  same to those he met. For the better part of 23 years he became  solitary, distrusting, remoreseful, and filled with fear... The swamps  and forests of Lordveill contained horrible things, many of which were  not like the stories he was told as a foal. It changed him, he changed  himself. He had to survive, he sought forgiveness, but time made him  forget his wishes, survival made him forget the one thing he wanted more  than anything else. She deserved an apology, she deserved a better son.
As  everyone else may or may not know, the rough and rather grumpy “hunter”  has lingered like a persistent tick at the edges of the cities,  scrapping by with waste tossed out by the denizens of the Veil, and just  as soon as he arrives, departs into the shadows of the trees, much  before any guard can investigate. That's too much trouble and his bones  are old.

♦ Youth – when everything went sour. A young colt got  ahead of himself, ended up in the wrong place. Perhaps it was meant to  be, but family be damned. He would rather strike out on his own, with  his dignity and stupidity than be thrown aside. Trodden over and  disowned. The crook ended up with the better hand to deal that the once  lavished child of prosperity.

♦ Young Adult – Forest life  wasn’t so hard, until it was. Plenty of injuries, his wings to be one of  many. Soon those were hidden, more than they had been. The young exile  had grown accustomed to the mud and blood staining his coat. Anything to  hide his features. Anything to divert an eye.

♦ Adult– A horse  learns a thing or two after a decade out of proper society. This is the  familiar. And a certain ‘old’ horse decides to make use of his acquired  skills, starting to advertise as a hunter of the dark beasts of the  forest, and a teller of stories. Most often mockeries of the actual  events. Life alone has hardened his heart, and he considers the chance  of fortune smiling on him again.


♦ Current – Nothing  seems to change, the old life… thats long gone, welcoming the life that  has been dealt…, still hard, but now manageable. Sometimes he thinks on  his mother, those cousins he was so fond of. Why does life do this to  the innocent. Why make them monsters to their own selves?

Extra:  He doesnt like to use his family name, his current name is a made up  one. He prefers to be ignored, and for the love of the gods don't ask  him anything personal.
He has wings hidden under his leathers and old  armors, albeit he clips off the primaries, or even pulls his own  feathers. He'd rather look beragled and ugly than be recognized. Perhaps  its been time enough. Perhaps he's the only one left of his birth name.  And who would be around to remember...

He usually wears an  eyepatch at night, to keep his vision when traversing the wilderness, or  as a backup in the event of lights ruining his night-vision.