
Basic Info










Gotten for free from Ax the Andalite



When Digo was a young pup, he wandered away from his mother and ended up getting attacked by a much larger dog who was very aggressive and ended up severely injured. When his mother realized that he was gone, she frantically searched for him, only to find him with a slit throat and a torn mouth. She tried her best to heal him, but his recovery wasn't looking too great, so in desperation, she went to a witch she knew to get a cure. The witch warned her that the cure would have negative effects if she used it, but she doesn't care because she couldn't bear to lose her last living pup. When she got home, she immediately gave him the cure and was pleased to see that he started to improve almost instantly. Seeing everything going so well for the first few days made her wonder what on earth the witch had been so worried about.

When her pup was feeling better and was up and about again, that's when she started to realize that something had changed about her pup. Whenever he became overwhelmed with any sort of emotion, good or bad, he'd change appearance. Out from the stitches in his neck sprang a a second mouth, his coat inverted colors and changed in design, he back paw would become detached from the leg, and for some strange reason his tail became segmented and free floating.

Digo has always filled others with fear due to his general appearance, especially when he gets too emotional and it causes him to change into his more frightening form. Originally, heĀ