Kai-Hua Yue



7 years, 6 months ago


what the hell do i put here

Kai-Hua Yue

  The fledgling mage blessed by the Moon
Your friendly local incident solver! If a god is fucking your life up, just give her a call and she'll be on the way!
Basics Do you know who you are?
Full Name Kai-Hua Yue
Aliases [WIP]
Ethnicity Chinese
Gender Girl [she/her]
Orientation Bisexual
Age 218, Physically 18

Kai is, simply put, an oddity. She has the dispostion of a light-hearted, free-spirited young lady. She daydreams when not studying and falls asleep in the weirdest of places. Many consider her heart to be almost bigger than her head, as she shows a lot of passion for her interests as well as the wellbeing of others. The thing that makes her an oddity, is her interests. Topics such as the Astral Realms and witchcraft are some of her more prominent interests, but she also enjoys plenty of other subjects of the occult. Despite her freewheeling disposition, Kai has a lot of insecurities regarding her interests and skills as a mage, and she is very defensive when people insult, mock, or give unwanted critiques to her. She also tends to act on impulse, which can lead to rather unsavory situations.

History Do you know what's happened to you?
Born Yunnan Providence, China, February 1757 CE
Residence Some Island off of Japan i don't have a good name for yet
Occupation Incident Solver
Education Apprenticeship
Affiliation The Illusory Witch

Kai-Hua trains under the elusive Illusory Witch. She feels that if she trains hard enough and becomes a powerful witch, people would stop looking down on her or ignoring her. Her major fields in her training are lunar magic and dream magic. Somehow, Kai-Hua became the local incident solver, and now has to deal with the many gods that live on the island

Appearance Do you recognise yourself?
Height 5'1 (155cm) not measuring her ears
Build mildly Pear-shaped
Eye colour Pinkish-Red
Hair colour Black

she has black, straight, hip-length hair, a short stature, a pear shaped form, and a prosthetic leg. her fingers are slightly longer than the average human's hand.

Miscellany Do you want to live this way?
Handedness Left Handed
Associated motifs Crescent moon, Ipomoea alba

  • Her favorite sweets are moon cakes or anything containing peaches
  • She's on the autism spectrum.
  • For some reason, she is more silent during the full moon, and tends to stare at the moon for extended periods of time.
  • Barely anything is known about her past other than the fact that a highly-skilled ex-familiar is believed to be her father.
Relationships Do you know who matters to you?
Yumetsuki | Mentor
[Oof i really gotta change her name what kind of name is Yumetsuki]
Hekireki no Sumire | Ally

They first met at a Raidenkai festival, where Kai-Hua challenged Sumire to a battle. Kai-Hua barely won. and now Sumire is helping her out for the hell of it