Maxima Caetis



4 years, 3 months ago


Maxima Caetis
Aliases The Missing, The Fang
Age Seven and Twenty Season Cycles
Sex Molly
Pronouns She/Her
DOB 19th Day-Cycle of Vofosuis
Occupation Wandering Knight
Status Noble / Hedge Knight
House Caetis
Origins Forestlands
Resides In the Northern Regions
Location Wandering
Orient. Demiromantic
Status Single
Significant Other [N/A]
Personality Stats
Layout by Cheeriko
Hold me Close, Don't let go, Watch me Burn

Maxima Caetis is someone who’s never quite what you expect her to be. Unpredictable and quite honestly often contradictory. She’s someone whoose state of mind can never quite be placed or predicted- a true wild card. Known both for her reluctance to fight and her lust for a good battle. Everything she does often seems to conflict with itself- and truthfully, perhaps it’s Maxima herself who conflicts with her own choices.


Height 6'0" [182 cm]
Build Tall and muscled
Fur Long thick red ticked tabby fur with white speckling that seems to only grow as she ages.
Injuries Has a scar on her left forearm from falling off a horse as a child

Maxima is a tall well-built molly, one that is clearly experienced and trained in fighting and (if the twin swords are any indication) swordplay. Her fur is a striking red color, her hair fading darker to its tips while her tail instead shows striping. There are streaks of white both on her head and upon her tail, along with a white tail tip. She's noticably freckled, and her eyes are a piercing silver color.

She seems to prefer to dress modestly and in dark colors, seemingly attempting to not draw any more attention to herself than her fur already does. She's noticed most for her short black cape, it's point not entirely known- but perhaps it's to throw people off for which hand she uses in fights. (Spoiler, it's both)

Design Notes:
  • Hey eyes are silver, and she's predominantly seen with a slit pupil!
  • The white streaks in her hair will spread as she ages! She was born with no white at all.
  • The harness around her chest is not just for looks and is actually strapping a dagger to her back! Hidden both by her hair, and by her cloak.
  • Is not self concious, and often doesn't button up her shirt. Sometimes will if she's in polite company (or what she considers polite company).
  • Earings are optional


Active | Self-Reliant | Passionate | Resilient
Steadfast | Honest | Principled | Hesitant | Emotional
Unforgiving | Intense | Defiant | Cold

The first thing to know of Maxima is her tenacious nature. Her unwillingness to give up, even in the face of adversity. No matter how many times Maxima may get knocked down, she’s the type that will always bounce back. Because in this world she relies on nobody else- there will be no help, no softness to break her fall. And that’s fine for her- she’ll make it through just fine on her own. Anyone who’s met her in person can confirm it- that Maxima is the type to take her fate into her own hands. She does not wait for opportunity to come- she instead seizes it for herself. Creating paths that she didn’t seem to have before. It may be the path of most resistance but for a cause Maxima believes in? Then certainly it must be worth it. Why would she dedicate to it if it wasn’t?

That is, when Maxima makes a choice. Because if it were up to her, she probably never would. Maxima always hesitates to make a choice one way or another- not because she thinks it out but because she doesn’t believe in wrong choices. If she believes in it- she does. And she prefers to make sure she’s committed before saying a word otherwise. But once that choice is made… Maxima isn’t going to change it. Call it stubborn, or call it dedicated- it doesn’t matter either way. Maxima will not be changing her mind. And this is mainly because she holds herself to her own set of rules- ones that most often align with moral uprightness but not quite always. It’s because of that not quite that Maxima makes sure those around her know that she does not rethink her decisions- because if you’re on the wrong end of her sword you won’t be getting a second chance anytime soon. Just be glad that Maxima will admit to such- it’s not betrayal if you’re told upfront, after all. And that’s why she’s often difficult to get along with- because Maxima isn’t the hold her tongue type of girl.

Perhaps the most conflicting part of Maxima though is that she is predominantly driven by her emotions. Things aren’t thought out rationally or for the best outcome- but instead for what she feels is right. Not always right in the form of morals- but instead what she feels more strongly for. This impulsive nature is something she herself is very aware of- which is why she goes through such lengths to keep it under wraps. Because if anyone knew that the best way to defeat her was to appeal to her human emotions… Maxima would rather let them believe she’s heartless.

And appear heartless she does. Maxima is capable of a great amount of cruelty- is able to ignore her empathy and instead choose to act as if she doesn’t care of the outcome of things- if people live or die or suffer. All because she’s unwilling to admit to her own weakness- to her own failures. Instead it channels into bitterness- bitterness at anyone and everything. Because Maxima will never give in- never stop fighting. As it’s the only thing she truly knows how to do. The only way she can hope to tackle problems- the only way she knows how to tackle emotional problems as well- and possibly why Maxima feels everything so much more than she would if she didn’t bottle it up. Her all or nothing attitude making every choice seem heavier, her reluctance to show any emotion making the emotions she does show so much more explosive and damaging. Why she chooses drastic means instead of rational ones time and time again. Most certainly also the true reason why she’s unable to let things go. Why even a minor disagreement is something Maxima is unwilling to let go or forget- because to let go of anything is enough to make her question why she hasn’t let go of everything. Her resentment is the only thing holding her together- and really, it shows.

Stats & Skills

Might 3 [+5]
Speed 3
Endurance 3 [+3]
Sainity 7


  • Dedicated, Maxima can choose a goal and focus on it.
  • Honest, her words always hold truth- and she refuses to tell a lie. Even one by omission.
  • Trained Swordswoman, Has studied since her youth
  • Her fondness of plants allows her to recognize at least what is and isn’t poisonous
  • A good listener


  • Her emotions can cloud her judgment
  • Has absolutely no patience for politics
  • Slow to dedicate herself to a choice
  • All or nothing. Maxima is either all in or all out- there is no inbetween
  • Very reluctant to form bonds and relationships as she views them as weakness


  • Maxima is naturally ambidextrous and doesn't seem to favor a specific hand. To the point where she's capable of wielding her blades with either hand.
  • Maxima holds grudges permanently. Once she makes her choice, she'll never go back on it.
  • Though a traveler, She seems to favor the Northlands. She doesn't often stray towards the south, and is rarely seen in the forestlands.
  • Despite her noble heritage, she does not seem to indulge in much luxury. The most valuable things she owns being her twin swords- and her Lissom Deer. All things she took with her from home when she ran off.
  • Her favorite animal is the butterfly, despite it's connection to death and funerals.
  • Has a fern named Gregory


  • To avenge her sister
  • To find peace, with herself and her regrets.
  • Dying a meaningless death.
  • To never be happy


  • Traitors. Anyone who is willing to betray another is not someone Maxima will want to talk to for long.
  • Deceit. And Politics.
  • Weakness- specifically in herself. But she isn't particularly fond of cowards, either.
  • Being tied down or trapped.
  • Meaningless Death


x2 Longswords
Two long swords hang from either side of Maxima's waist. Though both are sharp and ready for a fight, it is not often that Maxima wields both at the same time... Though her capability of such isn't often in question as she seems to pick which one she uses at random.
x1 Dagger
A dagger hidden in a holster along her spine... Certainly not easy to spot, with her hair as long as it is. It's more well worn than her swords are, used for more daily tasks than her well-kept blades.
Pan The Lissom Deer
Her mount and only constant companion, Maxima is more attached to her mount than she ought to be. He carries both her items and her from place to place. He seems well trained, and well loved.
Saddle Bags & Bedroll
Though not large, they carry all of Maxima's nescessities. From her scales, to oil and cloths for her swords, it even has a thicker cloak for worse off weather and a nice enough sleeping roll for longer periods of rest. Everything she needs is never far.




Aiken Caetis


Marcia Caetis [ Deceased ]
Siblings Lukius Woods
Astra Caetis [ Deceased ]
Uncles Tiberius Hildjöfurr [ Deceased ]
Aunts Eise Hildjöfurr Married to Tiberius
Cousins Skodir Hildjöfurr
Niblings None
Spouse None
Children None


CW: Implied Poor Parenting, Mentions of Domestic Arguments, Mention of Childhood Death

Hold me Close

Born into House Caetis, a noble vassal house of the Forestlands to her parents Aiken Caetis and Marcia Caetis

The firstborn, she is the agreed upon heir. Marcia coddled her daughter, delighted to have something that was hers- even if her relationship with her husband wasn’t quite good

It was discovered that Aiken had a bastard kit, sired before his marriage with his wife. He wanted to acknowledge him, but Marcia absolutely refused, causing tension.

Trying to get things to work, They decide to have another child to prove their dedication to each other. Marcia hopes for a tom-kit, hoping that Aiken would be more inclined to give the kit attention than he had been for Maxima

But it didn’t quite work out. At three season-cycles old, Maxima received her baby sister. Another molly child to be borne between Marcia and Aiken, and to Marcia’s bitterness it did not change her husband’s apathy towards his trueborn children.

She was incredibly fond of her sister, trying to help out wherever she could. Maxima was there for every big step in little Astra’s life. Paying little mind to the arguments between Marcia and Aiken- too young to care, though certainly old enough to notice. She kept Astra away for the most part.

Finally old enough to begin more intensive studies, Maxima begs her mother to let her learn swordsmanship. Unwilling to admit it was because she wanted to be like her father, who always seemed to be wearing a sword when she saw him. Marcia reluctantly agrees, wanting her daughter to be happy.

Maxima meets Lukius Woods. A kit one season cycle her senior, and also joining her for the class. Maxima didn’t question why he was joining private classes, but appreciated the companionship of someone also interested in swords. Though Maxima seemed far more adept at it than Lukius was, who fumbled at every turn.

He seemed more skilled in taking care of Astra, and much to Maxima’s disbelief her little sister took to him like a fish to water. It was good, having a friend, up until it wasn’t. When Astra began excitedly telling their ailing mother about her new friend.

Marcia flew into a rage, immediately seeking out her husband to accuse him of going behind her back and tainted her daughters with his bastard. Caretakers soon intervened, but Maxima would never forget the yelling. After the fight, Marcia’s health took a nosedive. Leading into the molly catching sickness during the winter, and succumbing to it.

Maxima remembers the funeral clearly even now. Astra crying at her sad and her father an awkward distance away. A few months after would be when Lukius Woods returned to their castle. Aiken finally introducing him to his daughters as their brother.

Astra was delighted, but Maxima was less enthused. Though not unwelcoming, she was more than aware that her parents had fought over him. But despite wanting to please her mother, Maxima was swayed into treating Lukius like family. It wasn’t like it was his fault, anyways.

But it rubbed salt in the wound when Astra would seek him out first, and even their father seemed to prefer Lukius’s company over hers, the heir. Wanting time away, Maxima spent more time in the garden. Learning from the groundskeeper and nurturing a hobby that would persist throughout Maxima’s lifetime

But having to balance swordsmanship, gardening, and her studies was difficult.. Especially when Astra was at the age where she was alway seeking out her next adventure. Maxima made time when she could, but ultimately couldn’t always be there for her sister. And the last time she declined would be the time she regretted the most.

Dont Let Go

Maxima had thought all was well, knowing that Lukius had gone in her place. Though Lukius wasn’t particular to horseback riding or playing in the woods, he would keep a watchful eye on Astra… But when they missed mealtime, Maxima was quickly becoming worried. Her Lord Father was not around, and as dusk began to near Maxima finally couldn’t take it anymore. Taking her own steed- A lissom deer that she had begged her mother for- to search for them.

Maxima found them after racing through the paths she knew Astra liked. Finding what she feared most. The horses making a ruckus nearby but no riders on their backs. A bit further and there was Lukius- staring dumbly at her. And Astra- lying prone in a pool of her own blood. Maxima wasted no time in rushing to her sister, but it was too late. Not being able to do anything, she began pressing Lukius for answers, asking what had happened.

And she recognized the look in his eyes. Not a look of dull understanding or fear… But rather the look of guilt. Of realization of exactly what one had done. It was his fault, Maxima realized. What had he done?

Aiken and a few sworn knights came soon afterwards, Pulling Maxima from her sister and taking quick measures of the situation. Maxima wouldn’t stop asking Lukius what he’d done, and they quickly set about bringing the children home.

It was quickly deduced to be an accident. Astra, though technically skilled, was simply too inexperienced to ride the steed she’d chosen that day. With an accidental fall and a frightened Steed… It was an unfortunate result. Lukius had the unfortunate part of being the only witness, and with his own steed running he’d been unable to do anything until he was found.

Maxima disagreed. Lukius had the opportunity to help. He’d chosen not to. There was no injury on him for falling off his horse, no blood on his clothes if he’d tried to help Astra. Just that guilty look. Whatever good bond he and Maxima had, it was never present again after this day

After Astra’s funeral, Maxima confronted her brother. He didn’t deny her guess at what had happened- but he took affront when she called him a murderer. Escalating into an argument and then into a brawl. Lukius was no match for Maxima, who hadn’t ceased her practice of swordsmanship. The blame for the fight was placed on Maxima, and she received the punishment.

At the age of five and ten season-cycles Maxima finally realized what her family wanted. Lukius wanted to be heir… and her father was grooming him for it. Her spot, her place. To a murderer. Her mother had to die for him, her sister had to die for him And now she was going to have to? Like hell! Maxima put more effort into her succession classes. Lukius would not get what he wanted as long as she was the trueborn heir. Not as long as he was still the bastard son

Maxima put years into her studies, falling back into the familiar rhythm of swords and classes. She was a bit too straightforward for some of the classes, but she still did her best. Everything seemed to be going well- until the eve of her first and twentieth kit-day. When she stumbled upon her father and brother speaking… Speaking of marriage.

Lukius was speaking of a prospective suitor that would be a good match for the family, and Aiken was agreeing, seemingly putting thought into it. But… Lukius was not suggesting it for himself, she realized. Especially when he mentioned that it wasn’t something the family could pass up- but it would undoubtedly be an insult to send the bastard. And… It wasn’t like House Caetis would be left without an heir.

Maxima was furious, not even waiting to hear her father’s response before barging in. Furiously spitting at her brother. She was the only true heir of Caetis- Lukius couldn’t seriously think he was even a possible replacement as a mere bastard. Aiken took exception to that and intervened, telling Maxima that she would respect her brother or she would not be a suitable heir at all.

It was enough of an agreement for Maxima to feel cornered. Lashing out and getting into trouble as expected. Begrudgingly Maxima bowed to her father’s anger.. But the plan was already brewing. As night fell.. Maxima took to the stables. With nothing but a bit of coin to last her, her swords, and her steed, she took off into the night. Let her father explain that his heir ran away when he tried to replace her with his baseborn son. Let him fumble to explain where she’d gone to those who she knew would ask. Let him struggle with the wrath of his late wife’s house.

Watch Me Burn

Life on the road was not what Maxima was used to. But it was not something she disliked, either. There was a simplicity to it that she greatly enjoyed, but it still left something itching in her. A meaning, a task. She had swords, and she received offers to use them but… There was something uncomfortable about acting at the whim of whoever paid her the most.. The life of a sell-sword was not for her.

So when she met a Hedge Knight by chance, Maxima stuck around. Wordlessly becoming a sort-of squire to them. She didn’t need much teaching in the way of the sword, but the knight was unwilling to knight someone they only met by chance. So Maxima spent the next few seasons proving her worth as a squire. Up until they parted ways. Her mentor wanted to settle down and serve a lord for good. But knowing Maxima would not settle, they knighted her and they parted on good terms.

From here on, Maxima would spend the next few season-cycles making a name for herself. A valiant knight… but not quite a true one. For those who chose to cross her rarely walked away without injury. It earned her a nickname- other than any that referenced her life as an heir- The Fang

It’s now been five season-cycles since Maxima left home, and even she realizes it’s nearing time to make her choice. She cannot allow her brother to take her place as heir.. But she also finds herself reluctant to leave the life she has made for herself behind.

Aiken Caetis | Father
Maxima has never been close to her father- and the older she got, the less they understood each other. Even now, their relationship is entirely estranged. Maxima openly disrespects him- and for the most part, he does not stop her.
Marcia Caetis | Mother [Deceased]
Maxima loves her mother, She really does. Even if the memory of her mother is one tainted in the constant fighting and yelling between Marcia and Aiken. Truthfully, Maxima misses the memory of her mother. When she was loving and doting... Before everything happened. She wishes more than anything that Astra had met her then as well.
Lukius Woods | Half Brother
...What is there to say? Maxima hates her brother more than she hates anything else in this world. She has sworn to never forgiev him for his transgressions- to make every moment of his life difficult for as long as it is in her power to do so. Nothing can ever give back what he has taken- and Maxima will never let him forget it.
Astra Caetis | Younger Sister [Deceased]
Astra. Her darling sister- the one Maxima misses more than anything else. Once they had been as thick as theives, siblings who never fought or argued, and instead were happy to play and exist together... Maxima will never stop missing her sister, nor will she ever forget who it was that killed her.
Eise Hildjöfurr | Aunt
Though it's been many seasons since Maxima has last seen her Aunt, she always remembers her fondly. Someone who cared for her so much it often felt like Eise loved her more than her own parents had. She often thinks of her aunt whens she's traveling in the Veldt, though she hasn't quite worked up the courage to visit.
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