


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info



Date of Discovery (Unofficial Birth):

December 13, 1764

Approximate Total Age:

9.006 billion years (Appears to be around early twenties)




† "Daylily" - Movements

† "Pretty Girl" - Clairo

† "Cherry-Coloured Funk" - Cocteau Twins

† "Universe" - Ghost Town

† "Where Is My Mind?" - Pixies



Tian Xin outwardly appears to be human, though she is a conglomeration of celestial bodies fused together to form artificial skin, facial features, and limbs. The skin covering her is a warm toned pale that pushes caramel coloured freckles forth in stark difference from the bridge of her upturned, pixie nose and act as a golden blush dusted over either cheek from the sheer amount of them clustered together. They highlight her peony-pink mouth with her lips thick enough to create a dimple below her lower lip when she is allowed to grin.The strands of her white-gold hair form thick locks that give it volume ending just beneath her shoulders, usually resting in either loose curls or semi-straightened frizz. The earthy, warm tones of her skin and hair contrast with her almond shaped eyes, that are an icy blue-grey beneath thick eyebrows of which are a darker and richer colour than that of her hair. Though, in likeness to her hair, there are freckles starting from the inside of each elbow and up onto her upper arms that look like clear/white abrasions on her fair skin. These freckles only begin to turn a coffee colour as they ascend up her shoulders and decorate her face. On the inside of her left knee, she has a small, faded stick-and-poke line-art tattoo a boy with the ears of a fox gave her of his favourite planet, Saturn. Due to poor sanitation, the tattoo had become infected and merely shows evidence of such with an angry red shadow bordering every mark of ink on her skin and the black coloured lines becoming entirely too thick in some areas of the circular forms. 

Her most prominent feature, however, is that where viscera, muscle tissue, and skin would typically obscure the area of her torso lies the entirety of the Andromeda, ‘M-31’ galaxy. The galaxy consumes the skin around her solar plexus. It is observable beneath the thin membrane of protective skin that blends from the chest plate to the skin of her hips. Dark matter is the only thing keeping the galaxy from warping and expanding from her human-esque skeletal system, and any major mood fluctuation can throw the equilibrium of the system off. In her most volatile states, the galaxy can push forward through the uppermost layer of skin to make bruise like structures with the swirling of the stars in the spiral formation visible to the untrained eye. Constellations make up her major bodily functions and guide the eye toward the center of her chest. A super-massive black hole is sheltered beneath her sternum with a blinding quasar covering this safe place with enough solar emission to imitate a star. Smaller stars disappear and regenerate as they spiral around the area and into the space where it is ejected from the opposing side of the black hole and moves backward in time as represented in the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or 'wormhole' model. This replenishes and renews the system and allows Tian Xin to continue living as long as the wormhole is functioning.  



Tian Xin was brought into existence through the collision and intermingling of two galaxies that condensed to form a humanoid extraterrestrial being. She did not have traditional parents, nor was she raised by anything other than the silence the stars provided when they winked at her as she fell asleep on frigid meteors or the kisses they marked her fair skin with when she wandered too close.

Tian Xin is a physical manifestation of our sister galaxy referred to as Andromeda. This extra-terrestrial being was brought to earth by an expedition of humans sent into space to explore dark matter and how it attributes to time travel. The 'ship,' The Mosaic was created in likeness to a pirate ship design that had been unearthed from the great time-capsule emergence some years prior to the setting. The blueprints were engraved into a sheet of metal to protect the original image from decay and printed onto several coloured sheets, in example: sepia, black and white, and in the CMYK colour scheme. The Mosaic was forged in biodegradable, translucent plastic, glass, and cellophane. After the careful construction, it was encased in a functioning biosphere that regulates negative energy from the dark matter between masses in space into a gas the crew are able to utilize on the interior. Essentially, it resembles a clear ship in a big bubble that catches the light from any solar source. Upon the expedition, the captain of the vessel spotted a figure and asked his second-in-command if he spotted a girl, forcing what appears to be fractures of space through the porous surface of the bubble with pale, nimble fingers. The crew-mate replied that all he sees is a bunch of stars and thinks the captain is being paranoid. As a celestial being that had anonymously assisted many of Earth's explorations into space, she happened on this one accidentally, as the others had been manned by beings in suits that couldn't communicate outwardly. She had assisted the Apollo 13 and the maintenance of the Mars Rover without NASA even being aware of her help. Once aboard, she befriended the space-travelers and was donned the name 'Tian Xin' as a tribute to the main export, honey, and a loving gesture to the captain’s sweetheart back home. She guided them through the cosmos, having the navigation knowledge of exploring them herself during her lifetime. Through the shadow of the moon during the lunar eclipse is the only way to descend safely through Earth's artificial biosphere, for this was when the sun's rays didn't directly touch the Earth. Upon entering the thin atmosphere, the bubble dissipated. The results of the mission became encased in the original time capsule of the ship and was recorded as a visual documentation dated back to the construction of the vessel. She cradled the capsule to her chest as a memoir to her arrival onto an unknown plane of existence. The descent was horrifying, the ship splintering into shards of glass, puncturing and skewering crew members and staking the ground like a burial for the lives that had been lost and served as a crater for the broken frame of a galaxy that had just crashed to Earth. 



After having been discovered, Tian Xin was sheltered by a boy with fox ears erupting from either side of his skull, named Umi. Umi was born of the forest, and one of the elder forest guardians took them both into his own place of living. A small cabin in the woods of the only nature reserve left on the planet, in the country formerly known as Canada, serves as the home to the trio and resides away from the outskirts of the enclosure where civilization is composed of clusters of skyscrapers. Forged in rustic wood, the cabin stands two stories with enough room for the small family of three to thrive both separately or within another's company. It has an overhanging porch that overlooks a shallow decline in land, showing the foundation of haphazardly placed beams that hold the structure upright. What would be known as the rear face of the cabin is composed completely of paneled windows that can either be opened or obscured by thick folds of blinds. A tattered wind sock, coloured with a gradient from red to yellow, is attached to a pole even with the tallest part of the roof. She dwells within the attic space shared with Umi, the boy whose path happened to cross hers. 

Within a town before these garish cities, there is a small tattoo shop that also functions as a coffee bar at the store's front with the name 'sInk' emblazoned in sea-green neon within a display window. Akin to the cabin, some of the furnishings, including the interior, is made of wood with futuristic appliques and furniture.