[ JSHK ] Noi Akanishi



4 years, 3 months ago


oh no here we go again

  • Noi Akanishi, 16 years old, around 5'4"
  • she goes by Akanishi-senpai, but she'll answer to Teal-senpai as well
  • she has a stupid crush on Natsuhiko and tries to get him to see reason when his feelings for Sakura come into question
  • there's a slightly jealous side of her whenever he talks about Sakura, although she tries not to let it cloud her mind
  • very much the big sister trope and is considered very protective towards her friends and those younger than her, such as Nene and Kou
  • she has a quick temper and won't hesitate to speak her mind and stand up when the situation calls for it
  • when she was younger, she took Krav Maga and is considered to be a rather skilled fighter, although she tends to hide it there are moments where it'll slip out and she'll take someone down on accident
  • "wow senpai! you just flipped Akane and sent him to a new dimension!"
    Noi: *sweats*
  • she comes from a rather wealthy family, but she keeps herself grounded and lives rather frugally
  • Noi wears frosted eyeshadow because she thinks its fashionable
  • Noi does have the ability to see Hanako and other supernaturals, although she doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that they're you know..... dead, and just treats them like others can see them