


9 years, 3 months ago



Art by Unknown

SpeciesDemon Snake
RealmKhan lives in a medieval kingdom. The kingdom is known for being cruel to outliers, enforcing a harsh rule of normalcy and not allowing for conflicting opinions. In this kingdom, it tends to be those with powers ruling those without. Though Khan grew up in the upper class of this society with his fire breathing abilities, he realized the error in his ways and joined the rebels working to change the way of things and overthrow the moncarchy.
OccupationKhan is a rebel leader, working against the monarchy in the land. However, this identity is hidden, and instead he is known to most as a performer, using his powers to put on shows in the streets.
Skills/Abilities/PowersKhan can breath fire. His scales are extraordinarily hot to the touch.
PersonalityFor such an intimidating figure, Khan is kind and passionate. He is a natural leader even if he himself doesn't often choose to aknowledge it, believing it's best if he act to a lesser extent and allow others to find their voices as well. When he speaks, he is listened to. However, he does tend to get himself worked up often. This is generally for the good of the rebel group, his anger directed against the higher powers and not to the face of any one person. However, he has been known to turn on the monarchy's supports, who often flee before they experience his powers first hand. His fiery passion and deft hand have been crucial in the fight. He finds most joy in his performance, though, and loves using his fire power for good.
BackstoryKhan was born to the kingdom's upper class. Here, the powerful rule the powerless, and there are harsh exploitations of the lower class. Due to his fire powers, the young snake was taught to be part of the monarchy's fighting force, using his powers to intimidate and even attack those who dare to question the rule of the monarchy. He never used his powers for harm though, waking up to the reality of the situation before he could officially be sent out to harm the people of the land. He burned down the barracks belonging to the kingdom's cruel fighters when no one was home and fled to lands outside the kingdom's power. From there he works with the revel forces and has found skill as a performers. 
ValueUnknown, created by me.