Emara (Traits)



Four Vestigial Eyes (Uncommon)

Body Spikes

Bat Head Wings (Legendary)

Bat Wings [Body] (Common)

Rounded Sharp Teeth (Uncommon)

Regular Eyes (Mutation)

Additional Limbs -- Tentacles (Uncommon)

Human ears (Common)

Human Hair (Common)

Goo Leaking Horns (Mutation)

Normal Prosthetic limb (Common)

Eye Closed With Stickers (Uncommon)

Open Torso, Goo (Rare)

Open Neck, Goo (Rare)

Crown of Horns (Rare)

Regular Hooves (Common)

Bone Horns (Common)

Demon Tail (Common)

This character has been added to the master list and is approved by Hemloq
