


7 years, 6 months ago


Age: Young Adult

Main Location: Azmarin (Aerilon)

Battle Class: Forger; Void

Affiliations: Amiyn Court

Relationships: Rue (Friend), Tej (Friend), Silver (Acquaintance)

Mounts/Companions: Raj the Nikyak

Lorelei is a Duchess in the Unicorn Court of Aldlight, but currently studying Void Forgery abroad in the city of Azmarin. You may encounter her in the halls of Aerilon, but don’t expect her to waste any of her studying time dawdling with you. Antisocial tendencies, rather than arrogance or egotism as with some royals, is what drives her away from most Woolynes- despite her lovely appearance giving off the idea that she is kind as she is beautiful. Lorelei is quiet and brooding most of the time, though has a gentle smile to show when needed. Although she is quite booksmart, Lorelei is impulsive and quick to act on emotion alone, which is usually the source of most conflict in her life. This can impede on her talent for Forgery studies. 

Looking past her impulsiveness, Lorelei is one of the most impressive Void forgers at the school of Aerilon, and possibly in all of Andras. Her sense of void lyss is phenomenal, as she is able to detect traces of it for near days after a strong enough spell was casted. Her go-to uses of void forgery are teleportation and size manipulation. She is not to be underestimated.