


7 years, 7 months ago



Name Antonio "Tony" Meritz
Age 31 (at time of death)
Birthdate August 21
Date of Death October 15
Height 6'0"
Gender Male
Voice Actor Crispin Freeman
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He generally appears to be all sorts of positive, but on the inside, Tony's a heartless bastard. He cares only for Rob and will go to any extreme to keep the boy safe. The only people Tony will be friendly towards are those that Rob finds important, and he'll be completely uncaring and generally hostile towards all others.


  • Rob
  • His ship Kamille
  • Getting revenge
  • The memory of his grandfather


  • Anyone that isn't Rob
  • Nosy people
  • People who are too friendly
  • Forming any attachments


Tony belonged to a rather large and somewhat chaotic family. He always disliked all of the activity, even when he was still small. It made him feel constantly pressured to hop from one thing to another, which was far more energy than he wanted to expend. A lot of his family got into constant quarrels with each other, which only added to the stress. The only family member that never seemed to be running around like everyone else was his widowed grandfather, a sour old man who didn't like any of his younger and ambitious relatives. Tony was drawn to his steady presence, which remained constant even amid the flurry of activity that was the rest of the family. He learned very quickly that if he was also quiet and still, his grandfather wouldn't run him off and the rest of his family would avoid the pair of them. Tony's grandfather was the first to start breaking the silence by telling stories of his youth. Tony was absolutely fascinated with those stories and listened with rapt attention every time. He learned all about how his grandfather used to dream of building his own ship. He was happy to share the designs he had made with his grandson and even found the drive to pick up work on a scale model. Tony questioned why he didn't build the real thing, and his grandfather bitterly claimed that his career and family had prevented him from his original dreams for so long that it was too late to ever make it into a reality.

The two of them remained very close until Tony's grandfather passed away. The entire family gathered for the reading of his will, eager to learn what their shares were from the old man. It turned out that he had left miscellaneous, mostly useless items to every single family member. The only exception was Tony, who was named the sole heir to all of his actual monetary possessions, on the condition that he moved away from the rest of the family. There was a lot of outrage from the rest of the family, as they considered the teenage Tony to be too young for all that. But his grandfather had been thorough in his will and left no loopholes for anyone to exploit. Tony was far from upset with the arrangement; he took what had been left to him and departed for a better future.

Tony put all of his efforts towards completing his grandfather's ship design. It took a good portion of the funds he had inherited to make it happen, but he found that he had no reason to hold anything back. As the ship neared completion, Tony decided to have some unconventional (aka less than legal) features added to it. The only place that offered such services was on Fairn, which was known for an excessive number of shady dealings. Tony honestly hated the place, but had plenty of proof that he could get everything he wanted done there. He remained living on Fairn for almost a full year and meant to not make friends with anyone there. However, he had caught the attention of a few locals. One of them was a small boy named Rob, who was persistently friendly and followed Tony almost everywhere, even when Tony tried to get rid of him. The other was a girl named Merrit, who took special interest in Tony and also hung around him often. When Kamille was complete, Tony meant to leave without bothering to tell either of them. Rob not only found out about it, he also somehow broke through all security and made it to the ship just as Tony was leaving. Rather than try to turn around, Tony decided to bring him along and dump him off at the first stop.

The next ten years proved that Tony just couldn't get himself to actually chase Rob off. He found himself very fond of the boy's company; not just because of his happy demeanor, but also because he had a remarkable level of intelligence that allowed him to understand the inner workings of Kamille almost better than Tony himself. Tony got into a number of scuffles over the years in defense of Rob. Anyone who looked at him wrong or spoke harshly of him was considered fair game, though Tony did his best to hide that from Rob. Tony always put on his best face when he was around Rob or around the many friends he had made. Around anyone else, Tony was sullen and irritable. He had seen a lot of the terrible things in the world and hated people for it. Revisiting Fairn always put him on edge, especially after he learned that the orphanage that Rob had once lived at was known for children mysteriously disappearing. Every time a child disappeared, the caretakers suddenly seemed to come across surplus funds. Tony decided never to tell Rob about any of that and cautiously drew up adoption papers so that Rob wouldn't ever have to consider returning. He couldn't get up the courage to present them though, and kept them carefully hidden in his files.

He got unhappily caught up in a prophecy that claimed he and others would have to fight off a great evil. Tony meant to ignore it, but doing so only caused bigger issues and ultimately led to Rob being kidnapped. Tony was so upset and angry that he lashed out at Garth, who had been the only one present at the time and failed to keep Rob safe. Barbi attempted to make him apologize, but Tony refused to accept that he had done anything wrong. When they launched a rescue mission, Tony ignored all potential danger to the rest of the group and only focused on getting Rob back. He hardly noticed when Metra offered herself in exchange for the boy. Rob was returned to them, but was so broken and beaten that Tony couldn't hold himself together. He fell into despair at seeing Rob struggle to recover. Tony didn't manage to get his head or heart back into the right place; he never thought twice when he crossed paths with Meritt again, who claimed to be responsible for all of the damage done to Rob (which she said was revenge for Tony abandoning her years before). In trying to get his own revenge, Tony threw himself into a fight which he ultimately would not survive.


Tony did not choose the name Kamille; it was originally chosen by his grandfather, who wanted to name the ship after the only girl he claimed he had ever truly loved, but not been able to be with.



Rob [ only friend ]

Literally the only person Tony ever cared about. Their relationship was something between brothers and father/son, and Tony was willing to bend over backwards to make sure that Rob always got what he wanted. While Rob was quick to make a lot of friends everywhere he went, he always placed Tony as his own top priority.

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