Pi the Pygmy Hedgehog



Name: Pi (π)

Species: Pygmy Hedgehog 

Age: 20

Height: 2 feet (61 cm)

Abilities:  Everything she touches with her bare hands (and hands alone) turns to lead.  Weighing in at nearly 3,000 lbs (1360 kilos), she is extremely dense (as in 'heavy') and very durable.  Due to this, she can 'juggernaut' her way through walls and similar obstacles.  Once she starts moving, it's tough to get her to lose momentum.

Bio:  After getting hired (she thinks she was hired, anyway) as one of Eggman's henchmen, and failing miserably at each of her missions, she decided to break out from Eggman's facility.  She was scared he might 'scrap' her.  Now she adventures around in search of fun activities to keep her from getting too bored.  She wears yellow oven mitts to keep her from turning everything to lead.  

Extras:  She's a spunky little monster.  EXTREMELY short.  Loves to wreck things!  Rivals with Mighty the Armadillo.