Celyssena Felo'vir



4 years, 2 months ago



Celyssena Felo'vir
Cis Female
Fire/Arcane Mage
A Lot


Quite the fierce individual, Celyssena is the very definition of the saying; 'Every rose has its thorns'. However, beneath her jagged exterior, she tends to make for quite enjoyable company, a rather wild woman who enjoys partying and ballet alike-- her interests swing wildly from one end of the pendulum to the next.

Early Life

Celyssena was born in Belo'melorn Village on the razor edge of Quel'thalas. She often describes her childhood as idilic, because she doesn't remember the fact that her family were outcasts when she was younger. During her childhood, she spent much of her time being tutored by her older sister, Syla. She was also favored by their uncle, over his own small family for her great talent with the arcane. She was eventually given her mother's weapon, The Claw. Because she was handed this power at such a young age, her uncle speculated it would cause her power to grow exponentially. While this idea hasn't borne fruit, there is the pervasive idea in Celyssena's head that if she hadn't obtained the sword in her youth, she wouldn't be as strong as she is now.

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