


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Aeos

Species: Dragon

Sex: Female

Mate: None

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: ???

Background: Aeos is a Time Wanderer. A dragon that was cursed with the ability to see time, and all of it's alternate variations but never truly belong in one. She has wandered pathways and see the ends of the universe, and beginnings of it so many times she has become numb to the experience. More than anything she desires someone to be her's. A lover and a confidant. She is truly alone, and has been since she can remember. And when you can remember the beginning of the universe, and the end, that loneliness is amplified a thousandfold. She goes by many titles. Time Wanderer. Time Weaver. Aeos. Eternity. And all of them are true. She has tried to change history, and alter events to save people she cared about. But defying the natural law and order of the universe has it's price, and it has tolled greatly on her. She has become a little cold towards others, and looks down upon them. Not because they are weak, but because she knows they will not last. And why grow attached to something that you know will fade away, when you will continue to live on?