☆Starbound☆'s Comments

I can offer two full body flat color comms for this beb oOo

Recent Art Examples

I accept c: Your art is amazing!!!

What do you prefer to draw? Humanoid? Feral etc?

;o; Thank you!

Either is fine with me!

Sure! ouo
I'll get started with the sketches~

thank you they are put on hold for you~

4 Replies

Is this bby still available?

Yes they are c:

Heyy I'm so sorry for letting you wait >~< I was in the hospital due to my tonsills and wasn't able to check th If they're still available I'd like to buy them via PayPal

Hi unfortunately they have been traded :( sorry about your tonsils I hope you are alright! 

Hi im intrested in this character i can offer any of the characters in my for trade folder or art!

I didnt see anyone but I would like to see some art examples 

I can totally accept some art what are you offering?

Two headshots of any character of yours im able to draw dragons, ferals, anthros and humanoids