Alec Sorrel



4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Alec Sorrel
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 16
Moral Alignment: neutral good
Allegiance: Defenders of Humanity
Unit: -

Code Name: Invisible Man
Mancer Track: Intelligence Agent
Dance Arcana Style: Ink Washing
Weapon: brass knuckles, a small knife, anything he can fit into his pockets

Job: Student
Education: Vybrance Academ
Pledged To: MirrorRat

Gift: The Man In The Mirror


  • He can use mirrors as a portal to an alternate dimension that's identical to Xierus, but devoid of people. This dimension is actually a manifestation of the In-Between. As a result, he cannot see reflections in mirrors- he sees the dimension instead.
  • His irises have no color, and reflect whatever he's seeing, or reflect light. Camera flashes and bright lights can make his eyes glow.

Soul Description: -


Five Key Personality Traits: shy, doormat, stubborn as all fuck, avoidant, selfless
Personality: Alec is shy as hell. He doesn’t speak unless spoken to, and when he does talk he stumbles over his words. He gets talked over in conversations because he doesn’t want to interrupt anyone. He’s also a bit of a pushover and is afraid to say “no” or to disagree if he’s told something.
He cares about others’ sanity far more than his, so he won’t open up about his problems, but will be a shoulder to lean on if you complain about yours. He’ll try his best to help if you ask for it and he’ll ask for nothing in return.
Even though conversation and talking to people are to Alec as headlights are to a deer, he is not afraid of monsters, daemons, or otherwise dangerous situations. If he is, he doesn’t let it show. He’s determined to do the goddamn best he can in his studies, and helping you study or get information is one thing he’s great at. He’s even got a bit of a competitive streak, but you’d only notice if you were close friends with him.

History: Alec and Darren are twin brothers. Their mother was a merciless Night Paladin, known for taking down gangs and rogue mancers without mercy. Their father was a lazy, distant man who was eventually revealed as a Cathedralmancer and a vampire. He was arrested when Alec and Darren were about 7 years old, and their mother had to raise both children on her own. She was tired constantly from her job, but meant well.
Details grow fuzzy during tragedies, but when Alec and Darren were 10 years old, the Sorrel house went up in flames. Their mother did not make it out alive, but the twins did. There weren't any relatives willing to take them in, so they went into the foster care system together. (Newspapers said that a group of Bleachedmancers whose leader had been captured by a night paladin decided to take revenge by burning her house down.)
While Darren let his grief turn him into a cynic, Alec turned his grief and rage into a solid core of determination. He wanted to become a 'mancer to stop things like this from happening to other children and adults, and to honor his mother. Alec tried his damndest to get into Vybrance, the academy in his province, and helped Darren when Darren asked.They both got into the school.

Voice Claim: ???
Theme Song: Linkin Park- Castle Of Glass

  • He has (had?) a somewhat codependent relationship with his brother, Darren. Alec follows Darren around and uses Darren's assertiveness as a bridge to make acquaintances. Meanwhile, Darren leans heavily on Alec for emotional support, and follows Alec's goals because he's unsure where he wants to go in life, while Alec allows because he cares about Darren.
  • After Darren gave into being a Bleachedmancer and the incident where Alec helped him escape and tumbled out of a school mirror, Alec's classmates started encouraging him to stand up for himself.
  • Alec likes painting and spray-painting his own shirts, and ripping them up to look cool. He dresses in a punk-ish style, and got lots of piercings to distinguish himself from Darren. He also listens to very loud, very angry metal
  • His former name was Daryl, but...
  • Alec was claimed by a god on the first day of school at Vybrance- he looked in a bathroom mirror, upon the face of MirrorRat, and fell to the floor with a scream. When he came to, he'd forgotten his old name, though he was holding a compact mirror with "Daryl" written on it in sharpie. Alec was his name now.
  • Alec's eyes are a shiny... gray? His eye color is indistinct, and seems like a distorted reflection of the colors around it. If you stared into Alec's eyes for a while, all you'd see would be your own eye color. Alec's eyes also reflect light similarly to a cat's, and in bright flash photographs his eyes look to be glowing.
  • Alec's voice is very quiet and he has a stammer.