Oken Nacre



4 years, 4 months ago


Oken Nacre

Intelligent Serious Compassionate

Name || Oken Nacre
Alias || None
Gender || Male
Age || Unknown (looks 19)
Birthdate || September 27
Sign || Libra
Species || Anzen no Chian, Immortal Star-Being (god), Multi-Mage
Orientation || Heterosexual
Occupation || King of Anzen no Chi
Status || Married
Birthplace || Unknown


Oken is a kind and compassionate ruler; he does whatever he can to make sure that not only are his people well taken care of but everyone in the system as well. He strives for peace in all areas and abhores senseless destruction and killing.

He has the gift of foresight and often does things because of it, but sometimes things happen that even he can't foretell.

He is quite knowledgeable about many things as well as people but ultimately failed when he attempted to create perfect beings without flaws.


Creating things
Spending time with his family


Not being around for the rest of Mahatma's life
People who shirk their resonsibilities
People who solve their problems with fighting



SOLA STELLA (S.S): Oken was created by the stars because they were lonely and wanted a playmate. He learned magic from them and everything there was to know about the universe. He loved them very much but as he was the only type of being of his kind he too eventually grew lonely.

After some time the solar system came into being and Oken was fascinated by the planets. His favourite was Earth because it was full of people who looked like him. With the blessings of the stars and their warnings, he settled in the country of Japan where he was taken in by a family and loved. He learned and witness many things while living with the humans and was greatly affected by their aging and dying. When he tried to help them with his magic, they became afraid of him. He left and returned to the stars.

Oken decided to make his own system which he called the Silver System, as well as all the species that lived there. He couldn't make them live forever, but he managed to stop them from aging and some did live longer. He created the planet of Anzen no Chi in his image and was very surprised when they and many others throughout the system showed signs of magic. He made sure that they all learned accordingly, and Anzen no Chi followed Oken's teachings from the stars (Sabaism) while the other planets came up with their own deities beleving Oken to merely be the ruler of the universe.

He left most of the planets to grow and prosper as they needed, only stepping in if things got too out of hand. Most of his efforts were on Anzen no Chi where the people he tried to make perfect were proving to be anything but. Those without magic eventually attacked those with magic and war broke out. Many people died before Oken out a stop to it. He had to work tirelessly to keep the peace between them.

After the war when peace finally came, Oken decided he wanted to spend his life with someone else and he created Rubi. She didn't have to be with him but she chose to be and the two of them were happily married, their marriage being the one everyone aspired too. They tried for many years to have children but for some reason were unable to until twenty years before Rubi was to pass away. They had one son, Sorano Mahatma.

REGNUM STELLA (R.S.): Oken loved his son dearly and practically spolied him from birth and did everything he could for him. He sets in motions things to make sure Mahatma's rule goes smoothly, including setting up the Government A.M.V. to handle things in the system.

It was said that in order for Oken to die he had to siphon off a bunch of his power and that power is hidden somewhere in the universe.



Children: Sorano Mahatma Oken
Immediate Relatives: Sorano Jonquil Oken (grandson), Nikkia Ame Emeto (granddaughter)


Rubi Oken


Creating Planets/People/Magic
Immortality/Does not Age
Immunity to Sickness/Disease
God-Like Multi-Mage Powers (light, dark, blood etc and all elements)
Extensive Vitakinesis


Golden Crown Shaped Staff with gold Ribbons (channels magic)
Gold Stone Earrings (channels magic)


Name Means: Sovereignty and Mother of Pearl
His family sigil is the Phoenix
The Stone that marks his rule on the crown is a Ruby.
Because the Anzen no Chian's are the closest to Oken in design, a lot of who he is is deeply embedded in their DNA and has produced stange results.

This template was created by lowkeywicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission