Hiromi (BNHA)



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Hiromi Ichiki

Hero Name



Bounceshell, Blondie, Barbie


August 28


16 (ages with main cast)






She's able to bounce like a rubber ball, and is very limber. She can endure falling from high places, as well as high speeds. She can stretch her legs and arms to an extent, though her range is limited in cold weather.


Personal Data
Ichiki Hiromi
Spring Rebound
Shiketsu High School
28th July
Blood Type
Volleyball, cooking
Fighting Style
Close to mid-range Combat
Hero's Status

Hiromi is the only child of Minato and Azumi Ichiki. Her family is in the upper classes, and very wealthy. They run several businesses that branched out from just the one, and is spread across various ventures. As a young girl, she'd been put into a lot of feminine classes to teach her the traditional things for a wife to know, as her parents wishes for her to marry and lead an easy life without being concerned by having to work - as long as she provides her husband with children and keeps the house. She'd been allowed to try out various sports, like gymnastics/rhythmic gymnastics, as well as some ballet. She'd also sneak out to play volleyball. As her figure filled in, she knew she'd be unable to compete professionally as a gymnast, and instead set her eyes on becoming a hero. She wants more than anything that she can be independent. Hiromi doesn't wish the life her parents has planned out for her, and often butts heads with them about it. Her parents were neglectful in their upbringing of her, and often left her to her own devices within the confines of their home. She was only allowed to attend Shiketsu High School because her parents thought it would be too hard for her and that she would quit and come back home, ready to marry whoever they chose for her. She is currently thriving, loving every moment of her studies, and the measure of independence it gives her. She's made plenty friends, and a lot of progress towards becoming a strong person and hero.

Hiromi is a bright and loving girl, often energic and a bit bubbly. Most of the time she is cheerful, and open towards new people. She tends to dote on her friends, and isn't afraid to be loving and caring. Often, she is somewhat maternal. She always strives to make others happy, as she wishes happiness on everyone around her. She is smarter than she is given credit for, as most thinks her to be a bit of a blondie or a barbie. Despite her privileged upbringing, she is aware that not everyone is as fortunate as she. She has a deep generous streak to her, and is more than willing to share anything she has to offer with her friends and close ones, and sometimes strangers too.


Overall abilities
Hiromi is a very strong student in terms of both skill and grades, and it shows. She has a very creative and unique way of solving problems. She has a very friendly and open disposition, which makes it easy for others to approach her and work together with her. She is especially good at explaining her more elaborate plans to people who are not as intelligent, but without making them feel dumb about it. She is also incredibly patient and understanding, able to see things from multiple points of view.
Hiromi is a great cook, and has taken many classes on the subject at her parents' behest. She is able to cook high level recipies, as well as more homestyle cooked meals, which is what she prefers doing.
Hiromi used to do both gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics, and has implemented this into her fighting style as a hero. She still practices some of it, but she knows she will never be on a competitive level due to her curves making her body less than ideal

Spring Rebound

Her quirk allows her to bounce back from high impact crashes, much like a rubber ball. She is limber, and elastic - like rubber in general. Her limbs and skin can stretch for an extent. In hot weather she can stretch longer and are more flexible, while cold weather restricts her a bit. With her quirk, she can tolerate falling from high places, instead converting her momentum to a rebound. High speeds does not affect her much, nor does sudden stops. Her body is able to coil somewhat to absorb velocity and slow down her stops, or choose to redirect it into leaps.

She can bounce to build power and speed, and aim herself a bit like a cannon. She is also able to stretch her limbs backwards, and let them "snap" forwards like a spring for increased strength to her hits. Her quirk also allows her to send herself flying if she has an anchor point like a pole to hold onto and pull herself back. If she is shot in her more fleshy areas, the bullets bounce back rather than penetrate her skin and flesh, leaving painful bruising instead.

  • Ability
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Super Moves

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  • Sub-Move
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Wind Cannon
This is a combo move with Yoarashi Inasa
  • Sub-Move
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Yoarashi Inasa | Boyfriend
Due to Shiketsu High School's strict and old-fashioned rules, their relationship is a secret one. It took a while for them to get around to confessing and actually getting together, and even after they got together, their dates are often interrupted by bumping into friend and Inasa asking them to join - much to Hiromi's chagrin. This also leaves her a bit insecure, as she isn't sure if he sees them as a couple the same way she does. She often wonders how serious he is about her, what he wants for them in the future.
Ikeda Chuya | Best friend
Hiromi and Chuya met in elementary school, and became fast friends despite their very different backgrounds. They stuck together all through middle school, but split up and went to different high schools. They still try to stay in touch as much as possible, but because of different schedules it is difficult. Especially meeting up can be hard.
Name | Relationship
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Name | Relationship
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Name | Relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu non sodales neque sodales.
Name | Relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu non sodales neque sodales.