Cees Cin-Savit



4 years, 2 months ago


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Marital STA






Cees Cin-Savit.

20 yrs.







Theed, Naboo.


Jedi Padawan.


Sanctuary- Utada Hikaru

Physical Description

      Pale freckled skin, dark straight red hair extends with a Padawan braid over left ear, and a messy braid           down his back (never wears his hair completely down). Light brown eyes, thin athletic body.

Mental + Emotional

A giggly, clumsy, and ditsy individual, but well mannered and with good intentions. He is loud and often obnoxious without meaning to be. His tactics are often very unorthodox, as he is great at thinking outside the box when necessary. But he rarely gets the chance to slow down and think because his ADHD propels him forward without a plan in most cases. He also suffers from Tourettes: some of his most common tics are twitching, shouting "ow," "ah," " or "cunt," and blinking excessively. As well as snapping his fingers and stomping his feet. (This can be embarrassing for not only himself, but others around him. It is an insecurity of his.)
His tics are usually brought on by anxiety and general bad feelings, but can also happen at random and during "tic attacks" where he loses control of himself; it is very stressful. 


Often loud, annoying, and playful. He speaks Gungan and the Galactic Standard fluently. But he's also capable of communicating with Jawas in their native tongue (something that is difficult for even translation droids to do). 


Cees is not especially powerful in the force. His strength in it is pretty basic for his age and class. However, he uses it in some odd ways, making him an unpredictable enemy. His fighting style is quick, agile and aggressive, balancing a lightsaber technique that employs a double blade; one short dagger-like end and a traditionally longer blade opposite of it, complimented by the help of a DL-44 blaster. 


Ugoth Perlituh- former Master; Perlituh was the closest thing Cees had to a father figure in his life, but ultimately feels betrayed by him. He regards his memory as a pleasant one, despite this.


Born in the human capitol city of Theed on Naboo, Cees had a luxurious life with his politician parents until he was about 5 years old. Then the Jedi came to retrieve the young force sensitive boy and train him at the temple of Dantooine for a time. But he was a troublesome child and didn't learn easily. He was soon sent with the Jedi Master Ugoth Perlituh who he would train under at the Coruscanti temple until Perlituh's unexpected death, when he lost control of his fighter and collided with an asteroid field after abandoning Cees to a fleet of Separatist cruisers. Luckily, Cees was able to hit hyperspace before his ship was too badly damaged and managed to escape. However, an entire clone battalion was lost because of Perlituh's cowardice and lack of strategy. Not only that, but the Republic sympathizers they were struggling to defend perished too. A small victory handed to the Separatists.
Perlituh's actions confused Cees at first; he was only 14 at the time. But he came to the conclusion that he hadn't known his master as well as he thought. It was disappointing. He clearly didn't mean much to the man he looked up to.
At the temple, many of the clone troopers and his fellow padawans looked at Cees like what happened was his fault. Older Jedi who knew Master Perlituh couldn't believe that he would desert his padawan like that. Even members of the council were doubtful, though they never said it aloud. All evidence seemed to point to Cees as the deserter, but there were no survivors besides himself to argue the matter. He was respectful of his elders silent opinions, mostly because it hurt too deeply to talk about it. He wanted to disappear. He lost any friends he'd managed to make, and became uncharacteristically withdrawn for the better part of a year before returning to his usual self. He wasn't assigned to another master. Instead, he found himself on various missions with a new Master Jedi every week, and in his free time, he was stuck babysitting younglings. And it went on this way for much longer than he'd hoped. He was wandering around the accomplishments of others and it made him feel very, very alone. Then, shortly before his 16th birthday, he was assigned to a master. He was incredibly excited. But the master died in a speeder accident, before he ever learned his name. Heartbroken, Cees begged the council to assign him another master, but Yoda pressed that a bond was necessary and that the boy would have to wait.
Most of Cees' peers began to think of him as a cursed padawan, even chocking his Tourettes up to a punishment from the force. He once again became withdrawn. He has only recently come out of his shell, fulfilling his missions beside different masters as a sort of returning helping hand. Although most find him to be frustrating. He tests the patience of the calmest Jedi. Most notably, Master Windu refuses to work with him unless it is required. Cees is not deterred, however. 


Cees has lost faith in the bravery and kindness of his elders as well as his peers. And trust does not come as easy as it did, but he still tends to go head first into situations and lives by learning all his lessons the hard way. He isn't sure that there's much left for the galaxy to teach him in the ways of disappointment. Belief in anything other than the force is a work in progress. He hasn't given up yet. 

Daily Life

When not devoting his time to an order ungrateful for his efforts, he likes to make music boxes, play Dejarik (the holographic game), and eat (he got a whole ass appetite). But he doesn't sit still for long and usually abandons his projects in search of something more interesting. This results in a lot of pranks on clone troopers and pesky fellow padawans. It also gets him into frequent trouble.


Cees frequently visits his home world, Naboo. But he's more interested in the Gungans, as they've treated him with exceptional kindness in the past as his former master was also a Gungan. Their cities and culture appeal to him more than the righteous skyward noses of the residents of Theed.
He also frequents Tatooine and Jakku to commune with the Jawas, which he has formed an unusually friendly relationship with as he managed to teach himself their language and help them communicate more civilly with townsfolk. Saving everyone a headache for once. 

"I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul." - Bram Stoker

