


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Yeva

Gender: Male

Species: Fox

Personality: Intelligent - Cunning - Swift - Tricky - Kind-hearted  (will go more in depth later.)

Anthro Occupation: Yeva does not have a set occupation. Instead, he often does several random tasks that he happens to find around the streets of his home town. Being known as a 'filthy street boy' was enough for most employers to turn him away without a second glance. So he roams the streets day by day, using his wit and street smarts to survive the harsh world in which he lives. Yeva will do almost anything in order to survive, even if it means he has to steal a few morsels from one of the small shops to achieve it.
This brute does not have a real place to call home, he lives wherever it is convenient and safe. Most of the others in his situation hold respect for him to a certain extent since he had helped most of them on several occasions, and he would sometimes snatch a few extra morsels on his shop raids. So far he had not been caught in the act of stealing, so cops and shop keepers still have no idea who is doing it. More often than not, he is not even seen by anyone. He usually is careful to choose the small shops that do not have security cameras, and stays out of sight while in the shop.
However, if he happens to earn enough money through random tasks, he gladly pays for his items.

Lover: A very pretty pink fox has somehow found her way into this boy's heart, and he is willing to protect her with his life if he has to! Her name is Blossom, and snuggling with her is one of his favorite things!