Xeno (Animatronic! Xeno)



An cheap copy of the real Xeno, who was paired with a matching animatronic Ellis.

At the beginning, these two were very happy and loved to work at their establishment. Sure they broke quite often but they had each other, so the little incidents didn't bother them. Their relationship was to match the existing one of the Halozoids but even if programmed to be that way, they sometimes seemed actually in love.

This changed when Ellis found out they were just cheap copies of advanced robots, who could do way more than them and actually had freedom to come and go as they pleased. The news hit Xeno hard but not as hard as it hit Ellis... He fell into a state of sadness and his peppy personality faded more and more. Xeno tried his absolute best to cheer up the rabbit, doing anything he could to keep his partner happy.
At the same time, Xeno was struggling to keep his own mechanical body from falling apart. He was gaining more and more errors as the days went on, but never told Ellis out of worry for his already sinking state. One day, Xeno couldn't hold on any longer and shut down permanently in Ellis' arms, not before telling him to have hope and saying just how much he loved him.
Ellis is now alone and a sad, empty shell of his former self.