


4 years, 4 months ago


she was a healer, and has a best friend named Yarna. There was the black death in her village and she tried to cure it but had no luck. She didn't try again, but when Yarna got sick she knew she had to cure it. She gave up her life in order to do it. She ended up being kidnapped by a demon instead, and took to a place of illusions with him saying it was heaven. She wanted to leave, and asked him if she could go. He didn't think she would enjoy life in the living world so let her go. She found a living pair of pants who was flirting with her, who ended up being a demon named Parvin. She freed him from being pants, and he wasn't interested in her much anymore. She managed to get him to marry her, and had two children Ardervin and Mistina. One day, Parvin ended up on her front door only a head. She tried to bring him back to life but he didn't want to return to life. She was alone for a long time until she met another demon, but she was depressed about her first love. He dealt with that, but well she didn't feel content with him so she went with another man, who made her happy for a while, but he was boring. She went back to the guy she had been with before, and he had been depressed since she had been gone. It didn't work out with him, so she began dating someone else...