Rowan Singer



4 years, 3 months ago


Rowan Singer

My powers don't tell me as much as people think they do...

Strength [2/5]

Speed [4/5]
Intel [5/5]

Agility [3/5]
Health [5/5]

Skill [2/5]
Rowan's fingers danced on his bouncing leg as he sat in one of the many chairs in the rec room. There were about twelve or so tables spread out in the large room, which held ten teenagers including him. They were the 'Scientifically Uniquely Powered ExpeRimental Studies' or SUPERS for short. Rowan suspected they'd run out of fancy sounding words, which was why they'd combined the E and R in experimental. The other nine teenagers were fellow experiments. Rowan didn't know them all by name, which he suspected was an intentional move on the governments part. His powers relied completely on his knowing the person in order to read them. He did know a few though, like he knew there were two people from out of country, Yvonne-something and Vlad...also something. He wasn't the best with names he'd eavesdropped, which kind of defeated the whole purpose, but it was a lot easier than getting to know someone, and then having to deal with them thinking all sorts of horrified thoughts after he could read their minds. Despite not knowing them, any of them really, he did know of their plan. They were going to escape, and they would have to crawl over his dead body if they thought they were going to leave them behind. Though to be fair, Rowan had no idea what they thought about them, due to him being unable to actually read any of their minds.


Rowan is a bit of a loner, though that's more due to the fact that the nature of his powers means that he needs to get close to people, and he prefers not to see what people are thinking. The few that he does get close to, Rowan constantly fears that they will reject him.
  • Being Alone
  • Freedom
  • Rain
  • The Government
  • Scientifically Uniquely Powered ExpeRimental Studies
  • His powers
Rowan was given the power of telepathy, the ability to read and speak into other people's minds. However, with great power, comes massive drawbacks. He can only get into the minds of people he truly knows (aka is friends with) and he has a sixteen foot max radius.Ever since gaining his powers, Rowan has done his best to avoid contact with people if he can manage it.
