


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Brittney Alexandra Brittney

Race: Human

Age: 18

Height: 5'4"

Gender: Cis fem

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Sign: Pisces

Class: Wizard

School: Illusion

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Languages: Common, Infernal

Key traits: Likes dancing and incorporating it into her spells Often obnoxious and rude. Sometimes launches into a length and thoroughly impassioned impromptu speech about human rights and tolerance.

Family: Mom and dad and older sister. Pet rat Mooch.

Story:  Occasionally clumsy, but is also kind of a genius. Got a near-perfect score on her entrance exam, even tho the types of grades she receives on an average basis vary from low to high. Her bad grades are most likely caused by her lack of motivation, attention, and academic concern. Finds she learns better when lessons are put in song form. Displays a remarkable gift for art and exhibits further evidence of cultural experience.

Not long after she got accepted, she was attacked by a friend of hers afflicted with lycanthropy and it nearly ruined her chances for a future, until she gritted her teeth and sought out help with her problem.

Has a Fantasy Youtube channel where she teaches tutorials on homebrew spells, some rat care videos, and DIY.

Britney ten years later, goes by Bee. She may be more scarred from more fights, but she's become a lot more comfortable with herself, including and especially with being a werewolf. Now that she has more control, her wolf form looks a lot more palatable.

Phrases: "Hello???" "Gag me with a spoon!" Calls her fist Old Betsy.

Life philosophy: Carry a knife eat pussy.