Ansndej honestly i prefer the redesign over my poorly made one QoQ you did an amazing job! Feel free to credit yourself as the creator and delete the old design if you'd like, i prefer the redesignย 10x more

OH? That's very sweet of you, Thank you!! :,D aldsfkjsdkjf Your design really inspired me. I needed a leafy dragon in my life... I just got a bit carried away <3

by the way, I would love to know if you are selling/trading any characters in the future! (I promise I won't hit them with a big redesign if I buy them haha) And that mummy dragon in your Adopt Concepts is really cool! :)

Sorry for late reply amsndms but ofc anytime!;0; im glad it inspired you! Haha i had designed them cause i remember noticing how green and yellow colored characters didn't get that much attention or werent popular so i did the green as plant themed cause i rarely see those at all.

Uhh i might? If i do I usually move them to my adopts folder as I sometimes lose connection with some of my characters and will put them up for resale/offers! Also I don't mind about the huge redesign so long as it has some elements of the old design even if not entirely accurate it's totally ok! In fact i know sometimes my designs are hit or miss usually falls under miss for the most part so I usually expect a redesign (: and thank you so much! Glad you like em! You're free to download it and keep it if you like! I have a feeling I won't finish em unless i really like how the design came out or if it's something people would use/offer on

Since you're offering, I will save them! Thank you <3 Would. Would it be too much if I cleaned up the design and colored them and kept them as a personal character? ;w; ย if not, i totally understand!ย 

Sweet! Enjoy them then!(: ofc! Go ahead! Feel free to do itM they're yours now!

TY so MUCH. I finally got to color the babyย Thank you for letting me make them mine ;w;

1 Replies

I can offer a flat fullbody, examples - or anyone of similar value ($5) from

Ah this guy is actually pending to someone else, though Iโ€™m really interested in your offer so if the other user backs out or becomes inactive Iโ€™ll definitely accept this ๐Ÿ‘€

Anyone in my Th interest you :00?

Ooh I really love Pompeii ๐Ÿ‘€

I can trade Pompeii :3!

Perfect! Send Pompeii over and Iโ€™ll send this kiddo ^