Cuda (Old RP Bio)



  • Name Cuda
  • Called runt, little one
  • Age ??
  • Gender Male
  • What? Remnant
  • Class? Psychic
  • Theme very good bad thing

He’s going to get in trouble if he keeps this up.

But there are things to learn, in causing pain. There are lessons to be bestowed upon him. And as long as he is hurting something else, he cannot be hurt.

These are the indisputable truths.

He shouldn’t be out in the open like this either, but there’s no one around, really. Midgar is so empty, all burnt up buildings and crushed things. No one is there to see him messing with the insects.

And he’s not really hurting them, he justifies it. Just playing with them. Just confusing them. Just sending them home different. It is often hard to tell what is right and what is wrong, and he’s not usually good at it. But this time he knows. This time he knows it is bad, and that excuses should be made.

The insect wriggles in midair, struggling to find its way back to the ground. Cuda tilts his head and it spins, rotating like the world in space, and he is the lifestream around it. He is the life-giving power–-

A noise, behind him. The sharp sounds of metal and rubble, and then footsteps. Cuda drops the bug at once, scooting behind a pillar and peeking out at the interloper. No one he recognizes-–but that doesn’t mean much, when you only know three people.

"What are you doing, runt?"



  • food
  • his brothers
  • power


  • pain
  • hunger
  • not much else

Not a very picky child. His brothers note that he is less than charismatic, and tends not to express worry or empathy for others. He makes up for it in psychic strength and intelligence. His company is generally welcome if only because he is quiet.

  • Fourth remnant, "the spare."
  • In some verses, materializes in the Northern Crater with his brothers. In others: stuck in the Lifestream, waiting their return. In another verse: captured or created in Shin'ra labs, controlled by the scientists and turks and used as a weapon against his own brothers.
  • Does not appreciate being called psycho, but won't do anything to correct it.
  • His brothers are bad at telling age; they reckon he's somewhere between 8 and 14.
  • Q: Can you heal wounds with psychic powers? A: Kind of, but it really hurts.


[ brother ]

The most important brother. Kadaj doesn't seem to care for Cuda, but Cuda admires Kadaj.



[ brother ]

The biggest brother. Loz is no good with kids. Cuda thinks he's kind of slow. Loz thinks Cuda can't hold a conversation to save his life.



[ brother ]

Favorite brother. Cuda will willingly spend the most time with him. Yazoo doesn't seem to care if he hangs around or not, but won't chase him off.


The General

[ brother? ]

Cuda doesn't know much about him...


Cloud Strife

[ brother??? ]

He's been told to kill this guy.

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