
Pride role

The kind Queen

From a young age Siella was taught to be logical. She was told to be critical and not just take things at face value, instead evaluate everything with objectivity. While Siella thinks she does this well, most who know her wouldn't completely agree. While she is good at measuring others skills and accurately delegating jobs, thinking quickly in stressful situations and other jobs that require objectivity she has three things that get in the way of a logical mind set. Overthinking, naive loyalty, and a desire for justice. When she starts to think too much she ends up imagining worst case scenarios, over complicating the issues or otherwise confusing herself. Another time when her objectivity is broken is when she hears about the suffering and injustice that is done to others. Her emotions quickly take over and sometimes she acts a little irrationally. Despite this she always tries to give others second chances. Her loyalty also gets her in trouble, it is often given quickly and is very difficult to demolish. This leads to her being too quick to trust and quite often a little naive. So really once these three character features come into play, its not surprising to see why Siella’s pride mates don't think her particularly objective. But don't tell her that, she might go ‘objectively’ sulk. (219/150)

B2: Give your founder a basic personality. 150 word minimum.
cOn the run from the wreckage of her old pride Siella stumbled across a massive tidal land bridge only recently formed from earthquakes and volcanic action, paw-prints show others may have made the journey but it doesn't phase her at all. Without knowing how far it went and how long till the tide came over the top she took the chance. And what a reward lay on the other side. A large island, separated from the mainland for thousands of years. It has plenty of large but strange prey as well as predators. The island is filled with mountains, rivers, large forests and untouched beaches. What's most important though is that its a new start, somewhere where she makes the rules. Maned or not maned: Maned Inspiration/preferences/design prompt: Dark red fur with white snow leopard inspired patterns and a few black highlights

P3: Write your lion’s backstory. 200 word minimum.

Strong moral compass
Prone to overthinking


P12: Who (or what) is this pride member’s greatest enemy? 150 word minimum

The ___

P4: Explain their role in the pride and how they came to achieve this role. 200 word minimum

P13 Is this lion superstitious? Do they believe in gods, spirits, or the supernatural? 150 word minimum

Their den

P14: Describe this lions den, is it neat and orderly or messy? 150 word minimum or flat color drawing minimum

P5: What is this pride member’s greatest fear? 100 word minimum
P6: What is this pride member’s greatest dream? 100 word minimum


No prompt for this one. Just an extra box I use for likes.


No prompt for this one. Just an extra box I use for dislikes.

P8: What annoys this pride member, or acts as a pet peeve? 100 word minimum
P7: What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them? 100 word minimum
P9: What is their greatest motivator? What, without a doubt, will spur them to act? 150 word minimum


P10: Have they ever been in love? How did it turn out for them? 150 word minimum
P28: How does your lion feel about love, have they found love or are they seeking it? Have they ever had their heart broken? 200 word minimum


P15: Would this lion (or does this lion) make a good parent? Would they be happy about cubs? 150 word minimum

P16: How competitive is this pride member? Is this just with their own goals, or with the other pridesmates? 100 word minimum
P22: What quality is most important to this lion to have in a friend? 100 word minimum
P17: What is this pride member’s view of themselves? 100 word minimum
P19: What is this pride member’s biggest secret? Why is it so important it stay their own? 150 word minimum


P18: Does this pride member have a saying or catchphrase they use frequently? Why? Where did it come from? 100 word minimum

P20: What would cause this pride member to cry? 150 word minimum or flat color drawing minimum
P21: Is this pride member an introvert or extrovert? 50 word minimum
P23: If this lion could change anything about themselves, what would they change? Why? 150 word minimum

The past

P24: How does this lion feel about their blood relatives, their parents and siblings? 150 word minimum
P25: How has this lion changed since they were a cub? What immaturities have they grown past? 150 word minimum
P26: What was their best cub-hood memory? 100 word minimum

P27: If this lion were to get attacked by a random rogue lion, how likely would they be to win the fight? What skills would help (or hurt) them? 150 word minimum
P31: How intelligent is this lion? Are they quick and clever? Slow to figure things out, but usually find the answer? Completely oblivious/unable to focus? If given a puzzle, how would they solve it? 150 word minimum

P29: Is this lion the type to bully others or be bullied? 100 word minimum
P30: What does this lion do when they’re angry? 100 word minimum
P33: How likely is this lion to keep a promise? 100 word minimum
P34: What does this lion daydream about? 100 word minimum


P32: What sort of possessions does this lion have? Do they keep anything in particular or just have their den/home and thats enough? What uses do these things serve? 150 word minimum

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