


4 years, 4 months ago


Title Here

Name Eris
Age 12
Gender Female
Race Spider-Deer Demon
Alignment(?) Evil
Nickname/s Little Fawn, Princess


The daughter of Angel Dust and Alastor!

  • A prankster! She loves playing all kinds of jokes on unsuspecting demons because her dads will protect her from consequences.
  • Very stealthy, which is one of the reasons she's such a good prankster! Eris enjoys scaring her dads. Alastor usually pretends to be scared, but on the rare occasion she can actually catch him off guard and startle him.
  • Some other demon children call her a bully, but she's just super overconfident from being constantly spoiled and prasied by her dads.
  • Eris is always tryna be scary like big daddy Al.
  • She always tries to keep a smile on her face at all times, but sometimes she'll frown on occasion, like if she's about to cry or just really overwhelmed and angry.
  • Alastor lets her "beat him up".
  • She loves trying on Angel's makeup or letting him doll her up! He calls her his little princess and loves holding her up on his shoulders.
  • Alastor calls her his little fawn. Also got her custom made shoes similar to his with deer hooves on the bottom.
  • Ears are often mistaken for pigtails.
  • She's missing a front tooth. Thinks it makes her look goofy.
  • She can twist her neck like an owl.
  • Although Eris hates modern technology, she has a cellphone given to her by Angel.
  • Eris can't stand Vaggie. She hates how Vaggie is always aggressive towards her deer dad, and a constant smartass towards her spider daddy. She's constantly either pulling or cutting Vaggie's hair and just in general trying to make her life a nightmare.
  • She can do the creepy thing with her eyes like Alastor when she's really angry, and sometimes the dials will even begin to spin.
  • Loves puppies! She doesn't understand why Alastor hates them so much, they're adorable!!
  • Alastor gave Eris her staff!
  • She loves Fat Nuggets and animals in general, which is why she likes to visit farms and see all the cute animals!
  • Angel and Alastor are always arguing over whether or not she should wear her tail out. They both think it's cute, but Alastor wants Eris to be seen as serious and scary. Doesn't really matter what Alastor says because at the end of the day, Eris' tail is going to be hanging out.

"My daddys will beat you up!"

HTML by lowkeywicked