Pepper Finch



4 years, 3 months ago


Meeting Alexi.

Alexi turned quickly onto Pepper, placing his hands on the wall behind her that they've been backed up unto. He braced for the hit by the board to his back. The vortex around them snuffing out his flames. He looked down on to Pepper who was a head shorter than him. Their feathers, including the ones covering her, blew around them. To him the moment felt magical. He stared at her naked body for what felt like an eternity. It took his entire will power to keep from touching her breasts and naked body. When the board hit his back it snapped him back to their reality. He looked into her eyes apologetically and wrapped his arms and wings around her. He picked her up, her legs over his right arm and her torso laying in his left. He ran out the side door of the building attempting to escape the guards.

"Well I started at the club to help my mother deal with my father's debt that he left us. Then the Elder's sons started showing up and causing trouble. They made me...touch them..or they were going to get me fired. When they found out why I was working there they made sure I'd never be without debt. If I refused anything then they'd add to it. They even got the guards involved and one day paid someone to burn down my house while I was working mother didn't make it out. I was stuck with the debt and was never going to be able to pay it off."

She has only had skanky clothes so far for sure because she was taken from being naked and then had next to nothing but now that she's not a dancer and she's dating Alexi she'll cover up more