


4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Neela Gormel


Nee, Taillevent


The Final Hunt (New Haven)


Quiet, mild-mannered librarian by day, eccentic gourmet chef and bloody butcher by night.

Enraptured by the gastronomy of the Old Ways, Neela joined the Final Hunt under the pseudonym "Taillevent" in order to share her forbidden, exotic tastes with the world. In exchange for providing the patrons of the Hunt with the finest dining experiences she can cook up, she is provided a steady supply of fresh meat of her choosing from the institution's reserve stock of "volunteers", that she uses to continue to experiment and explore this taboo culinary world she has discovered, in pursuit of creating the perfect dish, a meal so immaculate that the world will once again be reawakened to the gastronomic genius of the Old Ways.

As empassioned as the goodra is about her cruel pet project, she can't help but share her newfound cuilinary tastes with those around her as well, often hosting dinners for unsuspecting friends and loved ones, fine feasts covertly created with the forbidden meats of her secret trade. While some may call it sick to force the flesh of man on an unknowing public, Neela sees it as a show of love, a way of sharing her secret with those who she cares about, whether they want it or not.

And there is no one she loves more than her girlfriend Trisha. It was love at first kiss, though not for the reason Neela's small zorgoia lover knew. The goodra knew from one small taste of her lips that this woman would become her finest dish yet, a meal literally packed with all of the chef's love. But such a rare, rare ingredient must not be squandered, so Neela spent years of their relationship refining the perfect recipe, finding just the right sauces and seasonings that will make her partner shine and draw from her petite form the most exquisite flavor that has ever and will ever be created. Though this is not the only thing standing in the way of the goodra's gastronautical endeavors. Despite how desperately she wants, she NEEDS to have her lover for herself, to let her body claim her and bring the two closer than either thought possible, it is a hard thing to say goodbye. And so she tells herself time and again that the recipe simply isn't good enough, this is the love of her life, she deserves the best. But in the end, Neela knows one day the temptation will outweigh the excuses and on that day... she will claim what's hers.