Mikomi Heart



4 years, 3 months ago


Name Mikomi Heart
Species Demon Convert
Major Affinity 90% Dark
Age 28
Height 5'8"
Bust K
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Adventurer
Designer Mikomi

Class Battle Mage
Level 63

Mikomi was never much of an overachiever. It's not that she was dumb, or terribly out of shape, or anything like that. There just wasn't much outside of hobbies that she really dedicated herself to. Work, school, relationships; it all just kind of happened.

All in all, Mikomi was in a pretty good place. She was living comfortable from the money she was making from taking low to mid level quests around the city. It was a little mundane, and not terribly exciting, but she didn't mind too much. Eventually though, her friend Desiree convinced her to actually start applying herself and take some harder quests. Mikomi found one her level, paired up with a paladin and head out to a nearby swamp, Feymarsh.

The quest was simple. Spent magical crystals were being improperly discarded in the swamp, contaminating its energy. The objective was to clear out at least five stacks of crystals. The difficulty came from the large concentration of monsters, specifically leeches, that lived in the swamp. Mikomi and her paladin partner were fully capable of dispatching the creatures, and made brisk progress on their quest. However, at the third stack of crystals, a trio of dangerous leeches cornered them. They were extremely large and unexpectedly high level, likely mutated from the now corrupted energy of the swamp, and made quick work of the two person party. Having subdued their prey, the monsters sucked the bodies dry of blood, effictively killing them.

Shiri is an archdemon who was born of the corrupted energies of Feymarsh. As such, she lives there, and does her best to keep it clean. On a recent walkthrough of the swamp, she found two extremely dead bodies. Ever the opportunist, Shiri decides to take the bodies back to her home, a cave buried in a corner of the area, and perform a necromancer's ritual to raise the dead, so she could have her two new zombie friends help her clean up the swamp. And also, clean up around her cave, cook her meals.. you know, servants.

The ritual worked well enough on the paladin, but Mikomi's body absorbed the dark energy from the ritual. She revived, not as a zombie, but a convert: a rare occurence when a non-magical being becomes an elemental. Shiri, disappointed that she now has one less zombie slave than she expected, sent Mikomi on her way. Shaken, confused, but generally happy to be alive, Mikomi now has to figure out how to get back to her old life, three whole months after she was presumed dead.

Personality Showy, Perceptive, Diligent, Meek
Relationships Pearl Tammy Newman Heart - Sister
Desiree Armour - Best Friend
McKenzie Hapaloche - Friend
Shiri Helmin - "Senpai"