❄️ || Adel



4 years, 3 months ago




Name Adel, or "Addie"
Species Alolan Vulpix
Age 16
Gender Demifemale
Pronouns   She/They
Sexuality Biromantic Asexual
Theme info








Adel was an only child to your average couple. She grew up rather happy, maybe even a little spoiled. From an early age, she was enrolled in dance classes which she adored. She was often able to go to lots of concerts and theatre performances throughout her childhood and thought that was the coolest thing. Soon enough, she started to dream about being one of those idols on the stage, it looked so fun ! Whenever she was asked what she would be when she grew up, with no hesitation, the answer would be 'an idol!' Around her early teens, she started really getting into fashion as she started doubting she would make it as an idol. Some of the kids in her schools taunted her about her dream, and her confidence fell, quitting her dance lessons and cooping herself up in her room. Addie took the condescending words to heart and started to give up the idea of her ever becoming an idol. However, her parents and friends urged her on, so he applied for Minior Agency in the spur of a moment and can't say she regrets that one bit. It is quite a bit away from her old home, and though she is slightly homesick, she loves exploring and is glad to be away from all the negativity back home.


After enrolling and being accepted into Minior Agency, Adel joined the Spicy Dorm and is a current member of the Heart Club! She is very social and outgoing at school, getting along pretty well with almost everyone! 

 Addie is very optimistic, always looking on the bright side, and at times can almost be too optimistic. she's almost always in a good mood and doesn't hesitate to point out all the fun and good things. Very energetic, this vulpix can't seem to slow down! She is constantly in motion. Addie isn't afraid to jump in and help at the slightest of inconveniences. if anyone needs anything, she's the one to turn to. she puts everyone's needs above her own. Addie is emotional, she is almost always showing exactly how she feels without trying. in fact, she has to work very hard to not show emotion. she can cry at the drop of a hat, or have a bright smile all day, she can't hide her emotions. this makes keeping secrets and lying difficult. Adel isn't one to bother for long, once you push her past her breaking point she can and will snap. this really isn't hard to do either, some of the smallest inconveniences can set her into a fit of anger. she is very passive-aggressive and very hard to talk to after you piss her off. Despite her confident demeanor, she's actually very self-conscious. She never feels like she's living to her full potential, and is rarely happy with what she's accomplished, though she tends to keep this to herself. Adel is rather blunt, she isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, and can seriously do some harm with her words without even realizing it. she generally doesn't mean to be offensive, but she's just saying what she believes to be true, whether that's a blessing or a curse. She's a bit of a mess. She can't keep herself organized to save her life, her room is a hot mess, and she's constantly losing things. if you ask her to keep an eye on something, be prepared to face the fact she might have misplaced it. no worries, though! you'll get it back... eventually.... though it's a mess, Adel knows how to navigate it well, and can still seem to magically find that one lineart pen she really likes when she needs it.


  • ENFJ 
  • Chaotic Neutral 
  • Lead Vocalist 
  • Lead or Backup Dancer as well ! 
  • Leg Bouncing? Leg Bouncing. 
  • Doodles a lot! 
  • walks with a skip in her step! bouncy,, 
  • hums a lot as well

    • sugary coffee, music, dancing, ice skating, nature, storms, flowers, stars, sketching, fashion, campfires
    • the silence, the darkness, cleaning, spicy food, super strict rules, bullies, losing things


These two are really close!! They became friends very fast and Addie isn't afraid to break into his dorm room to yell at him about how fantastic he is!! She really appreciates him a lot!
Addie absolutely adores Eukim and loves to spend time with him. The two became friends because they shared the same dorm, Adel practically pestering the other until a friendship was born. 


  • Playlist Name

  • hot girl bummer - blackbear
  • Song - Artist Name
  • Song - Artist Name
  • Song - Artist Name
  • Song - Artist Name
  • Song - Artist Name
  • Song - Artist Name
  • Song - Artist Name
  • Song - Artist Name


  • She has 5 tails
  • She has two piercings on her right ear, and three on her left. 
  • She has a bunch of small freckles under her eyes. 
  • Her hair and tail are curly!!!! 
  • Long bottom eyelashes! 
  • Her tongue and blood are a dark blue, a little lighter than her inner ears. She blushes blue.

Feel free to draw her in any sort of outfit, she definitely will wear anything. Literally.