


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Chandra Delabar




Court of Miracles Theater




February 21st




Honey blonde


Blue when self, yellow when taken




162 lbs




Show-Off, Charismatic, Playful


Possessed by a demon


j2AdOG.pngWhen Chandra was still a child, her parents began to notice unusual things. They would find items levitating. The fish inside their aquarium disappeared, only to reappear several weeks later when it had already been refilled. The walls in Chandra's room would change colors without explanation. Worried by their daughter's abilities, they sent her to a boarding school in hopes that it would make her more "normal".

Chandra detested the school. She was made to wear a uniform, and the teachers did not allow for any nonsense. Unable to control her powers just yet, she was forever getting in trouble for things that she couldn't explain. She begged for her parents to let her come home, but they stoutly refused except seeing her on holidays. A few years later, Chandra packed her bags, and left the boarding school for good.

She lived on the streets, practicing what magic she could to earn money for food, and if she was lucky, a roof for the night. At times she would visit the library, devouring the books on magic - both real and fake. The magic became a world of its own for Chandra, and she was happy in the world. She liked performing for people to see their delighted reactions, and she could feel her power growing stronger and stronger.

She used her powers to assist herself in purchasing a small theater. Here was a place where she could both properly live, and continue to put on shows for people. They would come night after night to see what new acts she had devised, and Chandra used both her real magic and sleights of hand to amaze. It was here that she met the demon who would forever change her life.

The demon offered her so much. A chance to further increase her magic. A chance to reach even bigger audiences. A chance for her name to be known and for Chandra to be famous. She knew her magic was good, but she wanted to be great. All the demon asked in return was for her will. Something he promised she would not even miss. Not fully understanding the consequences, Chandra agreed. Since then the demon has been able to take control of her body every night. He uses it to live the life of a human and to remain on Earth. She has tried various means of getting him out, but nothing has worked so far. The longer the demon remains, the more she finds herself getting used to her new life and intrigued by the being.

The Demon

Nunc eros risus, facilisis imperdiet lectus in, ullamcorper gravida nisl. Donec tincidunt, tortor vel maximus feugiat, nisi ante vestibulum risus, nec consequat sem justo cursus nisi. Cras quis malesuada metus. Quisque diam mauris, porta id tellus at, dictum finibus mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris eget sem ex. Curabitur condimentum metus in nisl rutrum lobortis. Phasellus aliquam bibendum erat vitae aliquet. Fusce mi nibh, auctor vel lacus non, fermentum efficitur arcu. Vivamus magna velit, porttitor sed ex quis, sagittis posuere augue.


Vivamus sed turpis lacus. Mauris a purus nec urna mattis malesuada ut sit amet purus. Integer tempor, orci ut rutrum dictum, justo lectus mattis nisl, in egestas massa elit tincidunt justo. Pellentesque tincidunt eu nibh vel dignissim. Integer at tellus sodales arcu dignissim interdum. Integer accumsan, urna id blandit luctus, urna lacus pulvinar est, eget commodo lectus lectus nec eros. Suspendisse accumsan suscipit magna, faucibus cursus risus pellentesque a.

Vivamus ac hendrerit est. In interdum est quam, sed consequat neque rhoncus nec. Nam ac ultricies urna. Proin nec sodales est. Vestibulum sem mi, consectetur a condimentum quis, tincidunt eget erat. Maecenas pulvinar sem vitae lacus viverra porttitor. Fusce placerat sit amet erat vel efficitur. Quisque id ornare elit. Sed tincidunt feugiat arcu ut ornare. Curabitur lobortis purus lacus, a placerat arcu fermentum sollicitudin.