


4 years, 7 months ago


Name Midnight
Age Unknown
Height 6'5
Build Curvy
Species Demonic Shapeshifter
Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Orientation Pan
Residence Anywhere
Occupation Unknown
Worth $200
Status Active
S/O None


Design Notes

She is curvy HOWEVER due to being a shapeshifter she is able to look/become anything. Even the most wackiest of things is possible for her to change to.

When drawing her in a human state keep to her color palette as she doesn't usually change this about herself. The only time she changes this about herself is to hide away in others homes as one of their own.
A notable trait she gains in other forms is red eyes, this lasts a day or two after changing into the new form.


Midnight is a pretty chill playful person, she likes to poke fun at people a lot or do small things to spook them, but will prefer to just chill.
Getting on her bad side will cause a bit of a rampage of sorts. Depending on the severity of the issue at hand, if it's to the point of absolute rage there will most likely be death.
She occasionally has a sudden mood swing where her temper is short and violent, it is best to keep contact short during this mood swing.


  • Midnight would make up stories about herself to appeal and fit in to those around her, sometimes they are made to annoy others. One of these stories was being the daughter of Satan! Oh boy did that annoy some people.
  • No one knows what her true form really looks like, she is always changing her looks that even she might not remember!
  • A lot of the time she is able to inherit the natural abilities of her forms, for instance if she were to become a dragon she would be able to fly and use the natural elemental breathes.
  • Some days, she likes to look in a mirror and make herself look weird, long legs, long tongue, anything goes when you're having fun.
  • She loves frogs. Even having a pair of pyjamas styled as a frog!
  • She lives in an old decrepit castle


  • Frogs
  • Eating
  • Lazing around
  • The occasional fight
  • Human customs
  • Torment
  • Cringy dances and moves, like dabbing


  • Being killed
  • Losing
  • Being told what to do
  • Sleeping
  • Loud noises
  • Being teased
  • Being pestered

Skills & Abilities


Midnight is able to shapeshift into anything, but this isn't a limit to a full body change, she can change any part of her at anytime, be it just the arms or just her head.
Her shape shifting ability allows her to inherit the creatures natural abilities, for example if she were to become a dragon she can use the natural ability of elemental breath. Her strength also changes with her shape, if she becomes a fly she is easy to kill, if she is a large bull she is strong and harder to hurt.

Skill Gifting

She is able to temporarily gift people and objects her ability, giving it to another to use temporarily to aid them in a way, or to torment them. She does not do this often and would prefer to keep it to herself, only close friends would be able to convince her to use it for a bit,


Midnight is known to be reckless and has been killed a lot in the past, but she has adopted the way of crawling back out of hell, her body will melt away into the ground and she will crawl out of the ground shortly after in a safer place for her to recover. Her death is only temporary and is still very painful.


Midnight was created in the underworld, her life before this is unknown as she refuses to tell. At this point she might not even remember what or who she once was.20360416_ZXoUeYWfw0byZyb.png


Skylar | Friend
Midnight and Skylar became friends after meeting in the woods, Midnight having taken the form of a small cat, Skylar found her and took her home, making Midnight her pet... Upon discovering she wasn't a cat, Skylar still decided she was her pet and refused to say otherwise.
They would eventually grow closer and trust one another better overtime.

Summer | Friend
Summer is one of the few people Midnight enjoys being around, this is mainly due to Summer easily accepting Midnight and her somewhat chaotic nature at times. Because of this Midnight grew to trust her more and become friends.

Jackson | Coworker
Midnight doesn't like Jackson's high and mighty attitude, preferring to tease and rebel his rules, thinking of him more as a substitute teacher, no respect, no remorse. Just some torment for a laugh.

Siad | Coworker
Midnight isn't the biggest fan of Siad, the two argue a lot over morals and such. She would prefer to stay coworkers and acquaintances rather than be friends.

Hamutal | Enemy
Hamutal betrayed Midnight and their group, betraying her trust and gaining a hate not many survive. 

Tora | Friend
Tora was able to become Midnight's friend thanks to her familial relation with Skylar. Being her cousin opened the door to her trust and her friendship.